Tag Archives: Maine

Headline Of The Day

Honestly, officer! I wasn’t going to shoot up the theater! I was actually just on my way to kill my boss! Pay no attention to those Colorado newspaper clippings you found in my car! Details. (Tipped by JMG reader Tee Jay)

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Maine’s Marriage Poll Looks Good


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From Maine’s Marriage Opponents

Via JMG reader Louise, the above is how Maine hate group leader Mike Heath illustrates his latest beg for money. The accompanying press release notes that Frank is spending the summer “sodomizing his boyfriend Jim” in anticipation of their coming wedding. As classless as we’d expect.

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MAINE: Bishop Richard Malone Vows He Has Not “Backed Down” On Marriage

Maine’s Bishop Richard Malone has penned a letter to the New York Times in which he denies reports that the Catholic Church plans to stay out of the marriage battle this time. I have not backed down in the church’s defense of marriage. Although not a member of the current political action committee, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland is …

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MAINE: Activists Battle Over Wording Of Marriage Equality Referendum

Mainers United issued a press release today detailing a probable coming battle with the Secretary of State, who last week issued this version of how voters would be asked about same-sex marriage: “Do you want to allow same-sex couples to marry?” Seems simple and clean, but activists want language about religious liberty reinserted into the item. Their proposed version reads: …

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Maine Poll: Marriage Leads By 19 Points

A poll released today shows the attempt to return same-sex marriage to Maine leading by a wide margin. 55 percent of voters support a referendum to legalize marriage between gay and lesbian couples, while only 36 percent oppose the proposed law. If passed, the referendum will provide marriage licenses for same-sex couples without requiring any religion or clergy to perform …

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Barney Frank Wants To Marry In Maine

Saying that he and his fiance would like to get married there too, after their Massachusetts ceremony, Rep. Barney Frank is urging Mainers to pass this November’s marriage equality bill. From the Bangor Daily News: U.S. Rep. Barney Frank said Saturday night during a talk in Portland he hopes to marry fiance and Ogunquit resident Jim Ready in Maine, calling …

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MAINE: Hundreds Of Churches To Take Special Collection Against Civil Equality

On Father’s Day, June 17th, hundreds of Maine’s churches will take up a special second collection during Sunday services. That round of money will go directly to fight the November vote on same-sex marriage. Between 150 and 200 churches are expected to raise money for the Protect Marriage Maine political action committee, said Carroll Conley Jr., executive director of the …

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New From Mainers United

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The Latest From Maine’s Hate Groups

If you donate a nickel, what’s their cost? (Via Good As You)

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Matt Baume: Marriage News Watch

Clip description: Civil unions advance in Colorado, but old foes are joining forces in Maine. There’s just a few days left until North Carolina votes on an extreme constitutional amendment, and the race is getting closer and closer every day. And new research has shown a promising trend when it comes to public opinion.

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REVEALED: Maine Marriage Pledge

Think Progress blogger Zack Ford has posted the above pledge being distributed by Maine’s anti-marriage group. The No Specials Rights PAC encourages supporters to only refer same-sex marriage “sodomy-based marriage.” Backers are also asked to pray that God rids Maine of demonic homosexuals.

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PhoboQuotable – Paul Madore

“The only reason why the number of supporters for same sex ‘marriage’ may be increasing is because people are sick and tired. Homosexuals have made people sick and tired. Homosexuals have absolutely nothing good to contribute to family life, which is what marriage is all about. A sterile union (between same sex couples) is never in need of marriage, and …

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New From Mainers United

Learn how to help.

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BREAKING: Race-Baiting Internal NOM Strategy Documents Have Been Exposed!!!
“Turn Blacks & Gays Against Each Other”

The Human Rights Campaign has published internal NOM communiques that were unsealed today as part of Maine’s investigation into NOM’s finances. Most repulsive is the blatant and grotesque manner in which NOM plots to set minority communities against each other. From a “confidential” report to NOM’s board of directors: “The strategic goal of this project is to drive a wedge …

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Promising New Poll For Maine

Public Policy Polling reports on their just-released results: It looks like Maine voters will reverse their 2009 decision and legalize gay marriage in the state this fall. 54% think that gay marriage should be legal to only 41% who think it should be illegal. And when we asked about the issue using the exact language voters will see on the …

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MAINE: Catholic Diocese Says It Won’t Campaign Against Gay Marriage Bill

In a stunning turnaround, Maine’s Catholic diocese says it will not campaign publicly against this November’s vote on the same-sex marriage. Bishop Richard Malone on Friday unveiled a “pastoral letter” he wrote explaining the church’s position on marriage. The document will be discussed at Catholic churches and schools, through the diocese’s magazine and on radio stations devoted to Catholic issues. …

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Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) To Retire

Moderate GOP Sen. Olympia Snowe will retire at the end of her current term. “Unfortunately, I do not realistically expect the partisanship of recent years in the Senate to change over the short term,” she said in a statement explaining her decision to retire. Snowe said her ability to win re-election was not at issue—she was heavily favored to win …

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SCOTUS Refuses NOM Appeal

The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear an appeal of a lower court ruling that NOM must disclose its donors in their successful battle to repeal same-sex marriage in Maine. Via SCOTUS Blog: The Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear a constitutional challenge to a Maine law that requires those seeking to raise and spend money in state …

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MAINE: Marriage Makes Ballot

Marriage will be on Maine’s ballot this November. And for the first time, it is gay activists who put it there. Advocates of same-sex marriage turned in more than enough signatures to move ahead with a citizens initiative that would allow gay and lesbian couples to marry in Maine, the Secretary of State’s Office ruled Thursday. More than 85,000 voter …

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