Tag Archives: Maine

Maine: First Ad From No On 1

The marriage equality repeal bill made it onto Maine’s ballot yesterday, as expected. Here’s the first official ad from No On 1/Protect Maine Equality. Simple, to the point. I like it.

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Maine’s Campaign Ethics Commission Goes After NOM On Money Laundering

Fred Karger of Californians Against Hate is getting some traction in Maine regarding his allegation of NOM’s money laundering. Jonathan Wayne, Executive Director of State of Maine Commission of Governmental Ethics and Elections Practices, sent a strongly worded four page letter to Stand for Marriage Maine PAC (SFMMP) and the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), seeking more information on the …

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Maine: Take A Volunteer Vacation

The folks at No On 1/Protect Maine Equality invite you to consider a “volunteer vacation” this fall. During the month leading up to the election, the campaign will be hosting a team of highly motivated volunteers to serve as full-time, volunteer campaign staff. In Maine voters begin casting their ballots in October, so we’re planning the Volunteer Vacation to run …

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Maine: Casting Call For Homphobic Actors

Are you totally against dirty homos redefining marriage? Can you pull that off on camera? If so, Stand For Marriage wants you. Casting Director James Stiles is putting out the word that he’s looking for two “real Maine” women to appear in a television ad produced by supporters of traditional marriage. Stiles is looking for a “teacher type” and a …

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The Watchmen On The Wall(s)

The Family Research Council is holding a giant anti-gay marriage shindig in Augusta, Maine on September 14th, with a lineup featuring all the usual crazies. “The battle is raging for America’s soul! Will you sound the alarm?” Note how similar the name is to the Watchmen On The Walls, the virulently anti-gay group founded by Pink Swastika author Scott Lively. …

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No On 1 In Maine

JMG reader Sean Chapin and the DepFoxes (of the “Ask A Gay Family” YouTube series) join to create a short No On 1 in Maine clip.

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Maine Couple Celebrates 40 Years

A nice story to appear on local Maine news right now, isn’t it? Wait for a bitchy comment from anti-gay organizer Marl Mutty at the end. Your donation to No On 1/Protect Maine Equality will be doubled by an anonymous donor if you do it by today. (Via – Pam’s House Blend)

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Double Your Money In Maine

If you donate to No On 1/Protect Maine Equality from now until tomorrow, an anonymous donor will match your gift dollar-for-dollar.

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Maine’s New Marriage Equality Ad

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PhoboQuotable – Mike Heath

“Graffiti was once called vandalism, named for the barbarian hordes which sacked Rome. Similarly, same sex marriage was once called perversion, a term which literally means turning away from the truth. Today same sex marriage is called a “civil right” a misperception spread by gay radicals, with the help of the liberal establishment. In our politically-correct society, we do not …

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Maine: NOM Accused Of Money Laundering

Californians Against Hate has sent a letter to election officials in Maine, warning that the National Organization for Marriage and other groups may involved in some funny business with their donations. The charges arise out of the payments made to the professional petition gathering group that successfully put a repeal of same-sex marriage on the November ballot. From the letter …

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Maine Teabagger Goes Nuts

Dig his NRA hat.

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Anti-Gay Maine Group Agrees To Ethics Pledge (With Lots Of Provisos)

Yesterday No On 1/Protect Maine Equality issued a campaign ethics challenge to the anti-gay groups working to repeal marriage equality. Stand For Marriage Maine responded immediately, saying they’d be delighted to sign the pledge, but with the following provisos. 1. Agree to at least one public debate with the media invited to cover it live. The voters deserve to hear …

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All Eyes On Maine

Today No On 1/Protect Maine Equality (formerly Maine Freedom To Marry) issued a call to its anti-gay opponents, asking them to endorse a standard of ethics in the battle to repeal same-same marriage. The Maine Code Of Campaign Practices is routinely signed by candidate for public office and No On 1 has sent a copy to the local Catholic diocese …

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Maine Haters Turn In 100K Signatures

Maine’s anti-gay Stand For Marriage group today turned in 100,000 petition signatures to the secretary of state, almost double the required 55,087 names. The names must be verified, but with a margin like this, the repeal of same-sex marriage will surely be on the November ballot. Maine Freedom To Marry reports that they have gathered 60,000 pro-marriage equality pledge cards …

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The Cost Of Equality

Newly released documents reveal that pro-marriage equality advocates outspent the opposition in Vermont by more than 7-1. The leading proponent of Vermont’s gay marriage bill spent about $294,000 on lobbying and advertising in advance of the Legislature’s vote — more than seven times as much as opponents did, according to disclosure forms filed Monday. Through its task force and an …

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Maine Seems Poised For A November Vote On Marriage Equality Repeal

The Family Research Council says their petition gatherers have nearly twice as many names as needed to get a repeal of marriage equality put on the November ballot. They have until the end of the month to submit their signatures. Needing roughly 56,000 petition signatures to place a “People’s Veto” of this legislation on the November ballot, the pro-marriage coalition …

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Maine’s Haters: We’ve Got The Signatures

Stand For Marriage, the Maine group behind the petition drive to get a referendum on the November ballot to repeal same-sex marriage, says they have the required signatures. Looking to overturn a bill signed by Governor John Baldacci in May approving same sex marriage, Stand For Marriage Maine announced today that they have collected more than the 55,087 signatures needed …

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Maine’s Anti-Gay Petitioners Caught Lying

Raise your hand if you’re totally shocked. Gerard Caron walked into the Auburn Post Office and was met by a woman with a pair of clipboards. “This petition is against gay marriage and this other petition is to support gay marriage,” she said, according to Caron. The Poland man said he asked her why there would be a petition to …

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Maine Haters Hire Yes On 8 Firm

Marriage equality opponents in Maine have hired the publicity firm behind California’s Yes On 8 campaign. Organizers of an effort to overturn a new law legalizing same-sex marriage in Maine have hired the California public relations firm that ran the successful Proposition 8 campaign to overturn same-sex marriage there. Supporters of the law have hired a seasoned Maine political strategist …

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