Tag Archives: Maine

Maine’s Anti-Gays Are Racing The Clock

Everyday Christian is crowing that Maine’s petition drive to repeal same-sex marriage is “off to a fast start.” Anti-gay activists hope to gather the petitions in time for the November election when controversial tax items will be on the ballot, drawing more voters. It’s a tall order, but one that is feasible if early momentum continues, Bob Emrich said. Emrich, …

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Maine: Judge Jails Poz Woman For Protection Of Her Unborn Baby

In Maine, an HIV+ woman charged with falsifying immigration documents has been sentenced to remain in jail until the birth of her baby because the judge is concerned that she won’t receive proper prenatal HIV medication if deported. But even the woman’s prosecutors object. Both the federal prosecutor and the defense attorney urged the judge to sentence Tuleh to 114 …

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Maine’s Anti-Gay Petition Drive Begins

Rev. Bob Emrich is telling news outlets that his group has distributed over 5000 petitions to repeal Maine’s new marriage equality law. Just over 55,000 signatures are required to place the issue on the Maine ballot and Emrich is suggesting that Mainers host petition-signing open houses and parties. “Hey, folks! We’re havin’ a hate party! Y’all come on by.”

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Gay Marriage Leads To Straight Adultery!

The deep thinkers at the Maine Marriage Alliance point to a survey about monogamy among gay male couples and come to this conclusion: Legal recognition for openly non-monogamous gay unions would effectively destroy the taboo on adultery. The result is a continual downfall of families and society. Stanley Kurtz, a research fellow at Stanford University explains: “What we need to …

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Maine’s Catholic Diocese May Be Violating Tax Laws In Gay Marriage Attack

Maine activists have filed a complaint with the IRS charging that the Maine Catholic diocese is violating its tax exempt status by funding a ballot referendum drive to repeal same-sex marriage. The Empowering Spirits Foundation said its challenge was filed Wednesday at an Internal Revenue Service office in Dallas. The San Diego-based group said the diocese is engaging in political …

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Maine Gets Potential Ballot Question

Here is the question that Maine election officials have drafted to appear on the November ballot if the haters get enough petition signatures: “Do you want to reject the new law that lets same-sex couples marry and allows individuals and religious groups to refuse to perform these marriages?” Maine citizens have an amount of time, from when a bill is …

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Jon Stewart’s Gaywatch

One of Jon Stewart’s best, and that’s saying something.

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PhoboQuotable -Bishop Richard Malone

“I am deeply disappointed in the Maine Legislature and the Governor for making same sex-marriage legal in our state. We believe that the vast majority of Maine’s people believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, and that calling same-sex relationships marriage doesn’t make them so. Marriage as we have known it for millennia has served …

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Marriage Comes To Maine! Gov. Baldacci Signs Marriage Equality Bill!

Today Maine became the fifth state to approve marriage equality! Democratic Gov. John Baldacci today signed into law a bill allowing gay marriage, making Maine the fifth state to allow same-sex marriage. The governor’s signature came barely an hour after the measure won final approval in the state Legislature, with a final 31-8 vote in favor in the Maine Senate. …

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Victory In Maine!

Victory again! Maine’s House of Representatives just approved their marriage equality bill by a vote of 89-58. The bill now goes back to the state Senate for final approval before landing on Gov. John Baldacci’s desk. Baldacci has been evasive as to his decision. Maine’s in-house haters will have 90 days after the governor’s potential approval to gather 55,000 petition …

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Maine House Votes On Marriage Today

Maine’s House of Representatives votes today on the marriage equality bill approved by the Senate last week. A live video stream of the proceedings is here. Things kick off around 10am.

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Victory For Marriage In Maine Senate

The wins are coming every day now. This just in: The Maine Senate this morning passed a bill that would allow same-sex marriage in Maine. The Senate voted 20-15 in favor of the measure. Supporters say it would end discrimination against gays and lesbians and opponents say the proposal is an attack against the institution of marriage. This morning’s vote …

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Maine Senate Vote Imminent

Maine’s Senate votes on marriage this morning. Watch the proceedings live here. The Maine Senate is expected to take its first vote today on a bill that would allow same-sex couples to marry in Maine. On Tuesday, the Legislature’s Judiciary Committee voted 11-2-1 in support of the bill. Eleven members of the committee voted ought to pass, two voted ought …

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Maine Governor Calls Calls Blogger To Discuss Support Of Marriage Bill

In a surprising move, Maine Gov. John Baldacci called the home of Pam’s House Blend blogger Louise yesterday to say he was reconsidering his position about signing the marriage equality bill should it reach his desk. Baldacci has been saying he was undecided for several weeks. On Tuesday the Maine Judiciary Committee strongly endorsed the bill and sent it on …

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Strong Equality Endorsement In Maine

Last week’s public hearing in Augusta must have had a positive effect because today the Maine Judiciary Committee strongly endorsed a marriage equality bill, sending it on to the state House and Senate by an 11-3 vote. Gov. John Baldacci says he’s still undecided about the bill. Today’s judiciary committee session was interrupted by a lone female protester who was …

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At The Maine Marriage Hearing

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Maine Marriage Hearing Live Stream

Maine’s marriage equality hearing is about to begin at the Augusta Civic Center. Watch the live stream of the proceedings here. Our supporters are wearing red. UPDATE: Things appear to have gone well for our side! A public hearing on the Maine Legislature’s gay marriage proposal has opened with a standing ovation for the bill’s sponsor. Sen. Dennis Damon received …

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Tomorrow: Maine’s Marriage Hearing

Tomorrow there will be a public hearing on Maine’s marriage equality bill at the Augusta Civic Center. Organizers are urging LGBT Mainers and their allies to show in large number, bring signs, and wear red as a show of solidarity. Maine’s marriage campaign is moving to the next level. The hearing on the marriage bill has been scheduled for Wednesday, …

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Maine Marriage Hearing: April 22nd

Via Equality Maine: Maine’s marriage campaign is moving to the next level. The hearing on the marriage bill has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 22 at the Augusta Civic Center. Make no mistake about it: April 22 will be the single most important day of this campaign outside of the final vote. The media, legislators, governor, and people of Maine …

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60 Co-Sponsors For Maine Marriage Bill

Very encouraging! The author of a bill to legalize same-sex marriage in Maine says more than 60 legislators from both parties have signed on as co-sponsors. Democratic Sen. Dennis Damon of Trenton said those lining up in support of his bill include representatives from Maine’s smallest towns and its largest cities. He said many legislators sought to have their names …

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