Tag Archives: Maine

Gay Marriage Worth $60M For Maine

A just-released study predicts that same-sex marriage would bolster Maine’s economy by $60M over its first three years. Supporters of a bill to allow gay marriage in the state released the study this week from the Williams Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law. Opponents say the study has come out at a time when people …

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Maine: Anti-Gay Marriage Site Launched

The Maine Marriage Initiative has launched a website to help residents contact their legislators and complain about the coming vote on marriage equality. Note the perfect Aryan family depicted in their header. Maine Marriage Initiative was established with the goal of informing Maine people about the consequences of the legalization of same-sex marriage. Maine Marriage Initiative is a coalition of …

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The Maine Marriage Fight Is On

An anti-gay Republican group (are there any others?) is organizing opposition in Maine to last week’s announcement of a coming bill to approve marriage equality in the legislature. A Republican political action committee said it’s organizing a grassroots effort to defeat a gay marriage bill that was introduced last week. The Maine Republican Project is opposing a bill to repeal …

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Maine Goes For Marriage

Equality Maine held a press conference today to announce a marriage equality bill to be presented to the state legislature. At a State House press conference today, EqualityMaine and several coalition partners unveiled a bill that would extend civil marriage rights to same-sex couples in Maine. The bill, titled “An Act to Prevent Discrimination in Civil Marriage and Affirm Religious …

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Six By Twelve

The Gay & Lesbian Advocates and Defenders are working on a plan for marriage equality in all of New England by 2012. “We can make New England a marriage-equality zone by strategically combining existing legal, electoral and on-the-ground know-how to fast-track marriage in every New England state,” GLAD Executive Director Lee Swislow said. “By 2012, we not only can have …

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Four More By 2012

Could four more New England states get marriage equality by 2012? The group that helped legalize gay marriage in two New England states wants to do the same in the other four by the year 2012. GLAD — which stands for Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders — announced the campaign Tuesday, the fifth anniversary of the key court decision …

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Gay Marriage Caused The Meltdown!

Gay marriage is also apparently responsible for the crisis on Wall Street. Via PageOneQ: Christian fundamentalists are suggesting gays and lesbians are to blame for Wall Street’s woes, a frequently made charge in the wake of national calamities. In a September 25th blog post titled ‘The Nation Will Right Itself If It Fixes Sex’, Christian Civil League of Maine Executive …

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Maine LGBT Rights Repeal Bid Fails

Another one for the win column! A conservative Christian group has given up its attempt to mount a referendum drive to wipe out all protections for LGBT citizens in Maine. The Christian Civic League of Maine in an e-mail to its supporters said that it was giving up because it has “neither enough funds nor enough volunteer support to continue …

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June10th: Maine’s Anti-Gay Petition Drive

Boo-hooing that they are being intimidated, wingnuts in Maine are crying foul because LGBT activists plan to stand next to them at polling places during the primary and urge voters not to sign their anti-gay petition. Via WingNutDaily: A lobby for homosexuals and transgenders in Maine has announced plans to shadow individuals who will be working to collect signatures on …

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Maine In Fight Against Rights Rollback

Maine’s wingnuts not only want to pass a ban on gay marriage, they want to roll back all gay rights laws. The Christian Civic League has until January to raise 55,000 signatures to get their referendum placed on the 2009 ballot. Here’s the proposed intiative from Mike Heath (left), Executive Director of the Christian Civic League: Proposed: “Do you want …

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