Tag Archives: Maine

MAINE: State Approves Language Of Crackpot Michael Heath’s Ballot Initiative To Repeal Gay Rights

From the Bangor Daily News: Voters in Maine could be asked to remove protections from discrimination based on sexual orientation from the Maine Human Rights Act if a new ballot initiative is successful. Michael Heath of Chelsea, former head of the Christian Civic League of Maine and longtime opponent of protections based on sexual orientation or identity, has filed paperwork …

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SUPER SATURDAY: Bernie Sanders Wins Kansas Caucus, Ted Cruz Wins Kansas And Maine Caucuses

Super Saturday’s projected winners are rolling in. Taking the Democratic caucus in Kansas is Bernie Sanders. And Ted Cruz picked up two more wins today, taking the GOP caucuses in Maine and Kansas. The remaining Super Saturday states should have their results within the hour.

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OPEN THREAD: Super Saturday Voting

The GOP holds caucuses today in Kansas, Kentucky, and Maine. Democrats hold their caucuses in Nebraska and Kansas. Both parties have their primaries in Louisiana. If you are voting or caucusing today, weigh in below and share your experience.

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MAINE: Governor Blocks Rules For Trans Students

Maine Gov. Paul LePage, who is widely known as America’s craziest governor, yesterday stopped his state’s Department of Education from issuing rules intended to protect transgender students. The Associated Press reports: Rep. Matthea Daughtry of Brunswick says the rules are required by the 2013 Maine Supreme Judicial Court’s decision in favor of Nicole Maines, a transgender student in Orono who …

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MAINE: Brian Brown Finally Hands Over NOM Donors List, Only SIX Names Are On The List

NOM has finally handed over its donors list in Maine and as we all suspected, the hate group only has a handful of supporters. The Bangor Daily News reports: Jonathan Wayne, executive director of the Maine Ethics Commission, said in a written statement Monday morning that the list had been filed at the commission’s website and that the organization has …

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MAINE: State Supreme Court Rules That NOM Must Reveal Their Donors

Via the Portland Press Herald: The National Organization for Marriage has lost another round in its attempt to hide the identities of donors to a successful 2009 referendum campaign to reverse Maine’s marriage equality law. The Maine Supreme Judicial Court on Tuesday denied NOM’s motion to block a ruling by the state’s ethics and elections commission that the organization must …

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WARNING: Leftists Are Planning To Export Sodomy To All Planets In The Universe

“We find that the virus is spreading rapidly. It won’t be enough to pervert the whole world with this evil anti-family worldview. Since the developed governments of the world aspire to colonizing planets we have to prepare for the export of sodomy to other worlds — to the entire universe! I think it’s time for us Christians to flip open …

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MAINE: Sponsor Pulls RFRA Bill, Says Media Killed It From Getting Fair Hearing

Via the Bangor Daily News: Maine Sen. David Burns will withdraw his ‘religious freedom’ bill because of scrutiny the bill has received and comparisons to the controversial Indiana law that drew national outcry over concerns it allowed for discrimination against gays and lesbians. Burns has said the bill, LD 1340, was about protecting Mainers’ right to free exercise of religion …

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MAINE: Former State Lawmaker Throws Jar Of Vaseline At GOP Gov. Paul LePage

Via the Huffington Post: Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R) abruptly ended a town hall event Thursday evening after a former state lawmaker threw a jar of Vaseline at him. Former state Rep. Joanne Twomey (D) missed LePage with the petroleum jelly. She was immediately escorted out of the auditorium by security and LePage ended the event, which had been intended …

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MAINE: Openly Gay Rep. Mike Michaud Loses To Incumbent Gov. Paul LePage

Michaud would have been the nation’s first out-at-election governor.

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MAINE: Gov Race Polling Wildly Conflicts

Three new polls on Maine’s gubernatorial race show wildly conflicting results. A new poll has found Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R) with a wide lead over the rest of the field. The new Maine Sunday Telegram/Portland Press Herald poll found LePage leading Rep. Mike Michaud, the Democratic gubernatorial nominee in the race, 45 to 35 percent among likely voters. Independent …

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MAINE: First Lady Endorses Openly Gay Gubernatorial Candidate Mike Michaud

Via the Bangor Daily News: First Lady Michelle Obama had a clear message for supporters of gubernatorial candidate Mike Michaud attending a rally at the University of Maine on Friday: Get out to vote and bring like-minded people with you. “Barack won because of record numbers of women and minorities and young people who showed up to vote,” she said, …

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Matt Baume: Marriage News Watch

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MAINE: Dem US Senate Candidate Objects To HRC’s Endorsement Of GOP Opponent

“My opponent, Republican Susan Collins, had the chance to speak up in favor of marriage equality in 2012 or any time in the previous decade. Two years after her constituents made their feelings known at the ballot box, she has refused to break her silence. I believe Mainers need, want and deserve more proactive representation on equal rights — on …

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MAINE: Ethics Commission Extends Deadline For NOM To Disclose Donors

Via the Bangor Daily News: The Maine Ethics Commission gave the National Organization for Marriage a reprieve Wednesday on disclosing the donor list from its 2009 campaign against same-sex marriage in Maine. But the five-person commission did not back down on its demand for the national organization to pay a $50,250 fine for violating the state’s campaign finance and disclosure …

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MAINE: Susan Collins Becomes Fourth GOP Senator To Endorse Gay Marriage

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) has become the fourth GOP member of her chamber to endorse marriage equality. “A number of states, including my home state of Maine, have now legalized same-sex marriage, and I agree with that decision,” the Maine Republican said in a statement issued after several news organizations made inquiries. Collins joins three other GOP senators who have …

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MAINE: Gay Gubernatorial Candidate Grand Marshal’s Portland Pride Parade

Via the Associated Press: A Democratic candidate who reluctantly made public his homosexuality last year found himself serving as the grand marshal of Maine’s biggest gay pride parade and festival Saturday and urged activists to continue fighting to eliminate discrimination and promote equality. Mike Michaud, who would become the nation’s first openly gay person to be elected governor if he …

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Bush Senior Parachutes On 90th Birthday

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MAINE: One Step Closer To A Gay Gov

Yesterday’s Maine gubernatorial primary was a mere formality as both major parties ran uncontested candidates, but openly gay six-term US Rep. Mike Michaud is now one step closer to becoming the nation’s first governor to have been out at the time of his election. Michaud, who came out in November 2013, will face incumbent GOP Gov. Paul LePage in the …

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MAINE: NOM Files Campaign Finance Complaints Against HRC And Task Force

Via the Portland Press Herald: The National Organization for Marriage, the nation’s leading opponent of gay marriage, has filed two retaliatory complaints claiming that its adversaries violated Maine election laws more than four years ago. The complaints against the Human Rights Campaign and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force stem from campaign activity in the 2009 referendum over Maine’s …

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