Tag Archives: Maine

Alliance Defense Fund Tells Christian Clerks Not To Issue Marriage Licenses

In what may be a rerun of the battles fought in New York state, the anti-gay Alliance Defense Fund is telling Christian clerks in Maryland, Maine, and Washington that they do not have to issue same-sex marriage licenses if they find that offensive. Three new legal memos advise municipal clerks in Maine, county clerks in Maryland and county auditors in …

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Dan Savage Launches Tumblr To Thank The Straight Allies Of Marriage Equality

Dan Savage has launched Straight Up Thanks, a Tumblr site where he invites you to post the photos and stories of our straight allies who were so very important in our unprecedented string of wins last week. WE COULDN’T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT THEM. We are LGBT people who want to thank the straight people who helped us win marriage …

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When Marriage Starts In MD, WA, ME

AFER has the timeline: Maine December 6 at the earliest. This date may change. The initiative goes into effect 30 days after the governor makes a “public proclamation of the result of the vote,” within 10 days after the result has been determined. Maryland January 1, 2013. This date was included in the original legislation passed by the state’s General …

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Maine’s Haters Threaten Return To Ballot

The Christian Civic League is threatening to take same-sex marriage back to the ballot one more time. We are in conversations with the Alliance Defending Freedom, Family Research Council and Citizen Link to provide resources for churches, pastors and Christians who will need legal protections for our religious liberties. We want to discern the possible impact of redefining marriage as …

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Reuters: Gay Marriage Sweep Could Influence SCOTUS On DOMA/Prop8

Reuters speculates: Historically, the Supreme Court has provided a single national framework on social issues like same-sex marriage, said James Essex, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union. But it generally does so only after much of the country has reached a consensus, said Essex, who helped bring one of the challenges to the Defense of Marriage Act. In …

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Maine’s Moment Of Victory

(Tipped by JMG reader Seth)

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Maine’s Bishop Malone Has The Sadz

“I am deeply disappointed that a majority of Maine voters have redefined marriage from what we have understood it to be for millennia by civilizations and religions around the world. I trust that those who voted for such a radical change did so out of concern for our brothers and sisters who struggle with same-sex attraction. Respect and acceptance of …

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Marriage Win Declared In Maine!!!

All the votes are not yet in and the margin is only a few points at this writing, but virtually all of the LGBT orgs and the Portland Press-Herald are calling it a WIN. More LGBT history, right here in your FACES, Brian and Maggie! Via press release from Freedom To Marry: Maine today became the first state to approve …

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Preserve Marriage Maine: Gay People Have Too Much Sex To Deserve Civil Rights

“Homosexuality is highly promiscuous. To accept homosexuality as the social, moral, or religious equivalent of heterosexuality would constitute the first modern assault on the extremely hard-won, millennia-old battle for a family-based sexually monogamous society – precisely because the homosexual lifestyle is highly promiscuous. The basis of homosexuality is centered around anonymous sexual encounters. Long term relationships are very rare. But …

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MAINE: Red-Caped Catholic Loons Set Up “Sign Sting” At College Bookstore

The red-caped Catholic loons of Tradition, Family & Property, who have staged numerous “attacks” against them, are claiming that their hidden camera caught “homofascists and supporters” as they destroyed anti-gay marriage signs that TFP placed outside a college bookstore in Portland, Maine.

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Brian Brown Doesn’t Believe The Polls

“If [polls claim that] the country supports same-sex marriage, and you’ve got the red states and the blue states evening each other out, and we’re still winning in the deep blue states, there’s something wrong with the polling saying that we nationally support same-sex marriage. It’s just statistically impossible. This makes clear that the people of this country know that …

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Final Maine Marriage Poll


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Editorial Of The Day

From the Bangor Daily News: Permitting gay couples to marry will uphold equal treatment required by the U.S. Constitution, promote family values and protect religious beliefs. The ballot initiative is a matter of fairness and, in the end, care for one another.  It’s a matter of equality. Partners raising their children together should both be able to make medical decisions …

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The Final Ads From Mainers United

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New From Mainers United

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Two TV Ads From Maine’s Hate Group

Two sets of lies boiled down into quick TV spots.

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Tweet Of The Day – Michael Bloomberg

Two weeks ago Bloomberg also gave $250K to Maryland’s campaign.

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$3M For NOM’s Bigotry Mastermind

The Human Rights Campaign on NOM’s bigotry mastermind: Public filings show that he has netted nearly $3 million this year for his work in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Washington State. The profits go to Schubert’s company, Mission Public Affairs.  Schubert collected $958,594 for his anti-equality work in North Carolina earlier this year. In the four marriage ballot states, …

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New From Mainers For Marriage

A straight wedding photographer explains, “They don’t understand that discrimination is already illegal.”

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