Tag Archives: Mar-A-Lago

Founder of Raided Florida Sex Spa Chain Now Runs Outfit That Sells Trump Access To Chinese Executives

Last month police raided a chain of Florida spas in a sex trafficking sweep that netted dozens of men, including billionaire New England Patriots owner and Trump backer Robert Kraft. Yesterday the Miami Herald revealed that the chain’s founder, Cindy Yang, who no longer owns the company, took a selfie with Trump at Mar-A-Lago’s Super Bowl party. As it turns …

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Founder Of Florida Spa In Sex Trafficking Raid Took Selfie With Trump At Mar-A-Lago Super Bowl Party

The Miami Herald reports: Seated at a round table littered with party favors and the paper-cutout footballs that have become tradition at his annual Super Bowl Watch Party, President Donald Trump cheered the New England Patriots and his longtime friend, team owner Robert Kraft, to victory over the Los Angeles Rams on Feb. 3. Sometime during the party at Trump’s …

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Trump Is Forwarding Mar-A-Lago Member Pitches For Major Federal Business To His Cabinet Secretaries

ProPublica reports: In late 2017, on one of President Donald Trump’s retreats to Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach, Florida, he caught up with an old friend: Albert Hazzouri. Shortly after Hazzouri and Trump saw each other in late 2017, Hazzouri followed up with a message, scrawled on Mar-a-Lago stationery. In a telephone interview, Hazzouri said he sent the …

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House Dem Opens Probe On Influence Of Mar-A-Lago Members On $10B Veterans Administration Contract

Politico reports: House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Mark Takano (D-Calif.) today opened an investigation into the outsize role of three members of President Donald Trump’s Florida country club in a digital health record contract and other VA business. In a letter to VA Secretary Robert Wilkie, Takano requested extensive documents including all records of communication between the Mar-a-Lago members and …

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Federal Government Paid Trump Organization $600,000 For Trump’s Four Trips To Mar-A-Lago In Early 2017

ABC News reports: President Donald Trump’s four trips to his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida over four weeks in March and February 2017, including his summit with the Japanese prime minister, cost the government nearly $14 million, according to the results of a nonpartisan government watchdog’s investigation obtained by ABC News. The accounting, which reveals that the government also paid roughly …

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Trump Leaves On First Mar-A-Lago Trip Since Shutdown

The Palm Beach Post reports: With the government open again, President Donald Trump at last was headed Friday for a weekend at his happy place: his Mar-a-Lago private club on Florida’s southeastern coast. Trump typically spends many winter weekends at the Palm Beach estate, golfing at another nearby private club that he owns and having dinner on an outdoor terrace …

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Melania Flies Alone To Mar-A-Lago On Government Jetliner After Trump Cancels Pelosi’s Trip To Visit Troops

The New York Post reports: Hours after President Trump grounded House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s planned trip to visit the troops in Afghanistan, first lady Melania Trump was winging her way to Mar-a-Lago — on a government jet. Politico writer Jake Sherman made the discovery while listening to air traffic control and noted that EXEC1F was headed to Palm Beach airport. …

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Trump Cancels New Year’s Eve Plans Because Shutdown

CNBC reports: President Donald Trump has cancelled his New Year’s plans and will stay in Washington, D.C., as the government shutdown continues, incoming acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said in an interview with Fox News on Friday. “He cancelled his plans for Christmas, now he’s cancelled his plans for New Year’s,” Mulvaney said. “The president is very heavily engaged …

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Trump Charges Public For Mar-A-Lago’s New Year’s Eve Party Tents As Partial Government Shutdown Continues

Government Executive reports: Even as much of the federal government grinds to a halt, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort still needs tents for the winter party season—and taxpayers are footing at least $54,000 of the bill. According to government spending data, Grimes Events & Party Tents Inc. of Delray Beach, Florida was paid $54,020 by the U.S. Secret Service on December 19 …

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Trump To Spend 16 Days At Mar-A-Lago Over Holidays

The Palm Beach Post reports: President Donald Trump is expected to spend 16 days at Mar-a-Lago over the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, according to an alert issued by the Federal Aviation Administration this morning. The alert warns pilots to avoid the airspace over Mar-a-Lago during the more than two-week time frame, from Dec. 21 to Jan. 6. Trump’s extended …

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Mar-A-Lago Trio Had Sway Over $10B VA Project

ProPublica reports: Newly released emails about the three Trump associates who secretly steered the Department of Veterans Affairs show how deeply the trio was involved in some of the agency’s most consequential matters, most notably a multibillion-dollar effort to overhaul electronic health records for millions of veterans. Marvel Entertainment chairman Ike Perlmutter, West Palm Beach physician Bruce Moskowitz and lawyer …

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Another Mar-A-Lago Member To Get Ambassadorship

The Palm Beach Post reports: President Donald Trump is said to be ready to nominate couture handbag designer and Palm Beach resident Lana Marks to become ambassador to South Africa, making her the fourth member of the Mar-a-Lago Club that the president has tapped for an ambassadorship. The potential nomination of yet another Mar-a-Lago member to a top post in …

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ProPublica Report: Three Mar-A-Lago Members Are Secretly Wielding “Sweeping Influence” On VA Policies

ProPublica reports: Last February, shortly after Peter O’Rourke became chief of staff for the Department of Veterans Affairs, he received an email from Bruce Moskowitz with his input on a new mental health initiative for the VA. “Received,” O’Rourke replied. “I will begin a project plan and develop a timeline for action.” O’Rourke treated the email as an order, but …

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WaPo: Help Us Identify Trump’s Golfing Partners

The Washington Post reports: On 111 days of his presidency, Trump has traveled to a golf course and spent several hours there. On a handful of occasions, he or the White House or his golf partners have revealed/admitted that he was playing golf. On most occasions, they haven’t — and the question of who joined him for his hours-long foray …

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FLORIDA: Mar-A-Lago Seeks To Hire 78 Foreign Workers

The Washington Post reports: President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club has asked permission to hire 78 foreign workers to serve as cooks, waiters and housekeepers during this winter’s social season in Palm Beach, Fla., according to Labor Department data. The club — a for-profit business, which also serves as Trump’s weekend home and “Winter White House” — submitted applications to hire 21 …

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PALM BEACH: Trump Foundation Donated To Charities After They Relocated Annual Galas To Mar-A-Lago

The Palm Beach Post reports: Nearly all of the $706,000 in donations made by the Donald J. Trump Foundation in Palm Beach County since 2008 went to charities that hosted lavish fundraisers at Mar-a-Lago — the president’s highest-profile business in the county. While the timing and frequency of the donations suggest charities that fete at Mar-a-Lago — especially those that …

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House Bill Would Reimburse Airports $3.5M For Lost Revenue Because Glorious Leader Is Golfing Nearby

Politico reports: The House appears poised to use at least $3.5 million in federal money to reimburse airports in Florida and New Jersey for financial losses suffered when President Donald Trump stays at his resorts nearby. The language, included in the House’s appropriations bill for transportation spending, appears to target at least three general aviation airports near Trump National Golf …

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Trump: It’s A Beautiful Day For A Funeral

Of course he already went golfing today: President Trump said Saturday he will watch the funeral services for former First Lady Barbara Bush from his Mar-a-Lago estate in West Palm Beach, Fla. Trump has been in Florida since last weekend. He spent most of Saturday morning at his golf club. The White House said the president would skip Bush’s funeral …

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LIVE VIDEO: Trump Presser With Japanese PM

CNBC reports: President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will hold a joint press conference Wednesday amid Abe’s visit to Trump’s golf club in Florida. The pair of leaders will likely address efforts to deter North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. Earlier Wednesday, the president confirmed CIA Director and Secretary of State nominee Mike Pompeo met directly with …

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Another Trump Infomercial: Many Leaders “Specifically Request” To Visit Me At The “Southern White House”

“Many of the world’s great leaders request to come to Mar-a-Lago and Palm Beach. They like it. I like it. We’re comfortable. We have great relationships as you remember. It was originally built as the southern White House. It was called the southern White House. It was given to the United States and the Jimmy Carter decided it was too …

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