Tag Archives: Mark Green

Cultist GOP Rep. Mark Green: I’m Not Retiring After All

Axios reports: House Homeland Security Committee Chair Mark Green has reversed course on retiring and will run for re-election, the Tennessee Republican confirmed to Axios. Green said he reconsidered his retirement after receiving pressure from GOP senators, including Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), and former President Trump. “While my strong desire was to leave Congress at the end of this year, since …

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Cultist GOP Rep. Mark Green Won’t Seek Reelection

Politico reports: House Homeland Security Chair Mark Green is expected to announce plans to retire as early as Thursday, marking a surprise exit for a prominent committee chief. Green is expected to announce he will not seek reelection just days after he spearheaded the GOP push to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, according to two Republicans familiar with his …

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NYT: Republicans Now Freely Using Racist Tropes

The New York Times reports: House Republicans released their report on impeachment charges against Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the Cuban-born homeland security secretary who is the first Latino to lead his department. Using unusually loaded language for a committee report, the panel described its action as “deporting Secretary Mayorkas from his position.” In private, the language was uglier. During a closed-door …

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TODAY: House To Vote On Impeaching Mayorkas

Reuters reports: The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday is expected to vote on whether to impeach President Joe Biden’s top border official, accusing him of encouraging the record number of people who are entering the country illegally. The House last week approved two articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, a near-unprecedented step to take against …

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House GOP Advances Attempt To Impeach Mayorkas

CNN reports: House Republicans voted early Wednesday to advance their impeachment articles against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, moving closer to taking the rare step of impeaching a Cabinet official. The move sets up a vote on the articles by the full House of Representatives, though the date of that vote has not yet been set. The House …

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LIVE VIDEO: House Hearing On Impeaching Mayorkas

CBS News reports: House Republicans are moving quickly on advancing impeachment proceedings against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. At Thursday’s hearing before the House Homeland Security Committee said, lawmakers will hear from an Arizona sheriff and people whose family members have died as a result of fentanyl overdoses or violent crime. Republicans have repeatedly accused Mayorkas of failing to enforce …

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GOP Will Attempt To Impeach Homeland Security Sec

The Messenger reports: The House Homeland Security Committee is formally moving forward with the impeachment of Department of Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas with proceedings set to begin on Jan. 10, according to a report from Punchbowl News. After the conclusion of their December investigation, Homeland Security Committee Chair Mark Green, R-Tenn., told Punchbowl that House Republicans have uncovered enough evidence …

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House GOP Subpoenas DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas

The Hill reports: House Republicans on Monday subpoenaed Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, seeking information about a program that allows citizens of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to enter the U.S. on a temporary basis. The House Homeland Security Committee in April sought a suite of documents on the “CHNV parole program” including all communications about its establishment and a …

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GOP Rep-Elect Mark Green Blames Autism On Vaccines

The Tennessean report: A soon-to-be congressman from Tennessee told constituents Tuesday he believed vaccines may be causing autism, denying data from the Centers for Disease Control and other institutions disproving such a theory. Not only did Republican Mark Green, a Congressman-elect from Clarksville who is also a medical doctor, express hesitation about the CDC’s stance on vaccines, Green said he …

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BREAKING: Mark Green Withdraws As Army Secretary Nominee Following Wacko Jesus/Health Revelations

The Tennessean reports: Tennessee Sen. Mark Green, R-Clarksville, has withdrawn his name from consideration as President Donald Trump’s U.S. Army Secretary’s nominee. It comes amid a flurry of pushback from advocacy organizations, Democrats and even some Republican about controversial statements from his past concerning gay, lesbian and transgender people, as well as evolution. Green issued the following statement on Friday: …

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Army Secretary Nominee Mark Green: Public Healthcare Prevents People From Finding Salvation In Jesus

The Washington Examiner reports: President Trump’s pick for Army secretary once said government-assisted healthcare is an “injustice” because it hampers church-affiliated providers from converting people to Christianity. Mark Green, a state senator in Tennessee, told a church group in 2015 that sickness is one of the main avenues that bring people to religion, but that citizens in the United States …

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House Dems Call On Senate To Reject Army Secretary Nominee Mark Green For Anti-LGBT Comments

USA Today reports: Nearly three dozen House Democrats are asking the Senate to reject President Donald Trump’s pick for Army secretary, arguing he cannot be trusted to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender soldiers are able to serve without discrimination or harassment. “LGBT soldiers are willing to make tremendous sacrifices to protect our rights and freedoms,” the lawmakers wrote …

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Trump’s Army Secretary Nominee Mark Green Screams That “Liberal Left” Has Lied By Quoting Him Verbatim

Posted today to the Facebook page of Tennessee state Sen. Mark Green, Trump’s nominee to be Army Secretary: The liberal left has cut and spliced my words about terrorism and ISIS blatantly falsifying what I’ve said. Let me be very clear, 1) The only people I have ever called evil are murderous terrorists trying to kill Americans. 2) The only …

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Trump Nominates Anti-LGBT Pol To Be Army Secretary

USA Today reports: President Trump has nominated Tennessee state Sen. Mark Green to become secretary of the Army. The White House made the announcement Friday. Green is a former Army officer and West Point graduate who is popular among many Tea Party-aligned Republicans. His nomination still must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. The secretary of the Army, which is …

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TENNESSEE: Trump’s Likely Pick For Army Secretary Has Anti-LGBT Bill Pending In State Legislature

The Huffington Post reports: President Donald Trump is expected to choose as his Army secretary Tennessee state Sen. Mark Green (R), a legislator who is popular among many tea party Republicans and is the sponsor of a bill that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer advocates say takes direct aim at their community. Green’s confirmation would be a significant break …

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