Tag Archives: Ryan Walters

Oklahoma Schools Chief Defends Forcing Teachers To Instruct From The Bible In Combative CNN Interview

CNN HOST PAMELA BROWN: “You’re saying that the teaching of the Bible in the classroom is a must, that every teacher must accept that. The bible includes beheading, rape, and incest. Do you support teaching children about those topics?” RYAN WALTERS: “I support teaching children our history accurately and what we’ve seen is the radical left and the teachers’ union …

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Oklahoma Schools Superintendent: Teachers Who Refuse To Teach From Bible Will Lose Their License

NBC News reports: Oklahoma educators who refuse to teach students about the Bible could lose their teaching license, Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters said in an interview with NBC News on Friday. Walters issued a memo Thursday instructing all Oklahoma schools to teach students in grades five through 12 about the Bible’s influence on the nation’s founding and historical …

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Christian Nationalist Oklahoma Schools Chief: From Now On Teachers Will Lecture Students From The Bible

The Meidas Touch reports: After getting smacked down by the Oklahoma Supreme Court yesterday after his attempt to fund a Catholic school using tax dollars, Schools Superintendent Ryan Walter announced today that from this day forward every public school in the state will be required to have a Bible in the classroom and teach from it. The white Christian nationalist …

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Oklahoma Supreme Court Blocks Creation Of Nation’s First-Ever Religious Charter School As Unconstitutional

The New York Times reports: The Oklahoma Supreme Court blocked on Tuesday what would have been the nation’s first religious charter school, delivering a setback to a conservative movement that has increasingly fought for public dollars to go toward religious education. The case is likely to be appealed, potentially pushing it toward the U.S. Supreme Court, whose conservative majority has …

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Ryan Walters: Leftists Are Lying About Death Of Nex Benedict In Order To Demonize Conservatives And Me

“Since the beginning, Trace, we saw these groups lie and say that this student died because of a fight in a bathroom. That’s not true. We also heard them lie and say that this student was bullied into the situation. That’s turned out not to be true. We’ve heard President Biden. We’ve heard his press secretary. We’ve heard Kamala Harris …

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Oklahoma Schools Chief Rants About Latest Ranking Of US Presidents: Our Kids Will Learn That Trump Is Great

“Guess who’s last? President Trump. This is a great example of the radical woke college professors and what they’re trying to teach our kids. They want to tell our kids that every conservative president was terrible and every left wing president was amazing. In Oklahoma, we’re going to make sure that our kids understand that presidential greatness is based on …

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Oklahoma Wants Teachers To Return Their Bonuses

The Associated Press reports: The repayment demands have Oklahoma’s education agency drawing fierce criticism from both Republican and Democratic lawmakers, some of whom say teachers shouldn’t be forced to give the money back. Average teacher pay in Oklahoma is about $54,800, which ranks 38th in the country, according to the National Education Association. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters, …

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LibsOfTikTok Hired For Oklahoma Library Review Panel

The Oklahoman reports: Ryan Walters, state schools superintendent of Oklahoma, announced Tuesday that Chaya Raichik, the woman behind the “Libs of TikTok” social media account has been named to an Oklahoma library media advisory committee. In a media statement released Tuesday, Walters said he put Raichik on the advisory committee because she was on the front lines showing the world …

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OK Education Chief Vows To Sue Group That Forced School To Stop Daily Christian Prayers Over Intercom

Tulsa World reports: State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters is considering legal action against a Wisconsin-based group calling for his resignation, he said last week. “To think they’re going to continue to bully teachers is outrageous,” Walters said, referring to the Freedom from Religion Foundation. “The options we’re looking at are very wide, very broad. Could be legal memos. …

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Christian Nationalist Oklahoma Education Chief Joins Trump Campaign To “End Cancer Of Teachers Unions”

Oklahoma Watch reports: The state Education Department is looking to hire someone to manage national media appearances, raising concerns the agency would be boosting Superintendent Ryan Walters’ national profile at taxpayer expense. A firm is being sought to provide print and digital op-eds to national outlets, coordinate national events and appearances for executive staff, write speeches and handle some communications. …

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Oklahoma AG Sues To Block Catholic Charter School

PBS NewsHour reports: Oklahoma’s Republican Attorney General Gentner Drummond on Friday sued to stop a state board from establishing and funding what would be the nation’s first religious public charter school after the board ignored Drummond’s warning that it would violate both the state and U.S. constitutions. Drummond filed the lawsuit with the Oklahoma Supreme Court against the Oklahoma Statewide …

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OK Public Schools Head Tells Students To Pray For Israel

“In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks on Israel, we stand united in solemn solidarity. As a symbol of our unwavering support and empathy for those affected by these tragic events, I have asked our schools to observe a moment of silence. This moment reflects our deep sorrow and hope for the people of Israel. Let us offer a …

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OK Education Chief: Biden Wants To Destroy Christianity

Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch: Ryan Walters is a Christian nationalist culture warrior who is using his position as Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction to promote far-right propaganda throughout the state’s public school system. On Sunday, Walters appeared at a special service held at right-wing pastor Jackson Lahmeyer’s church in Tulsa, where he claimed that President Joe Biden …

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Oklahoma Schools Join Florida In Approving PragerU

Omaha’s NBC affiliate reports: The Oklahoma State Department of Education announced an ongoing partnership with PragerU on Tuesday. “I am thrilled to announce this partnership with PragerU,” said State Superintendent Ryan Walters. Supt. Walters announced on Tuesday that OSDE has launched a partnership with PragerU Kids which “provides educational, entertaining, pro-American kids content.” “This expansion of our availability resources will …

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FBI Investigates Misspending Of OK Education Funds

The Oklahoman reports: The FBI is investigating the misspending of federal funds meant to help Oklahoma children learn at home during the pandemic, law enforcement sources confirmed Thursday. A scathing state audit in June blamed Ryan Walters, now state schools superintendent, for failures that resulted in the misspending of Bridge the Gap funds. Those funds were part of a $39.9 …

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OK Education Chief: China Secretly Funds OK Schools

The Daily Beast reports: A Chinese-made Graco car seat is visible behind Oklahoma Superintendent for Public Instruction Ryan Walters as he sits in his vehicle, going full-out nuts in a video he would then post on X (formerly Twitter.) “Good afternoon, Oklahomans, I’ve been looking more and more into what’s going on at Tulsa Public Schools, and it’s just been …

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Lawsuit Seeks To Block First Religious Charter School

The Hill reports: Nine state residents and the Oklahoma Parent Legislative Action Committee filed a lawsuit Monday to stop the nation’s first openly religious charter school from operating. The plaintiffs, represented by organizations including Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the ACLU, are arguing the board violated the Oklahoma Constitution, the Oklahoma Charter Schools Act and several …

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OK Education Chief: “We Want The Bible In Schools”

“Instead of allowing Biden and the unions to inject their ideology through graphic pornography like ‘Gender Queer’ and “Flamer,’ we want the Constitution, we want the bible in our schools where kids understand our nation’s history and what has made this country great. The reality is that the bible is a foundational document in our country’s history. Read the Founders, …

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Oklahoma Schools Superintendent: Don’t Teach That The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Was Caused By Racism

The New Republic reports: Oklahoma’s far-right superintendent of public instruction thinks that schools should teach students about the Tulsa race massacre, so long as teachers don’t actually acknowledge that the white supremacist attack was about race. Walters held a public forum Thursday night, during which someone asked him how teaching about the Tulsa race massacre doesn’t violate his ban on …

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Oklahoma Public Schools May Soon Have Daily Prayers

Tulsa World reports: Faith advisers want State Superintendent Ryan Walters to “enforce” a daily full minute of silence in schools, mandate the posting of the Ten Commandments in every classroom and add a Western Civilization course to high school graduation requirements. The recommendations echo Walters’ own headline-making campaign call in 2022 for every Oklahoma history teacher to be trained in …

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