Tag Archives: Sarah Palin

Tweet Of The Day – LZ Granderson

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Fox Anchor Greta Van Susteren Tries To School Sarah Palin On Free Speech

Via Mediaite: In a Facebook post, Palin declared that “free speech is an endangered species.” Monday night on Fox News, Greta Van Susteren attempted to explain why invoking the First Amendment in this case does not actually make any sense. Palin said she would leave it to the lawyers to decide whether it’s a “free speech rule of law or …

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Quote Of The Day – Matt Taibbi

“Conservatives have always had trouble grasping the difference between public censorship and private enterprise. With a few exceptions, like whistleblower laws and National Labor Relations Board protections against being fired for off-site discussions about work conditions (exceptions that, in almost every case, conservatives bitterly opposed), there is no legal or constitutional right to free speech on private property. You can …

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PETA Vs Duck Slayers

Via press release: PETA wants A&E to do more than suspend one of the characters on Duck Dynasty for damning gays. We call on the channel to challenge the entire crew of duck slayers to ignore Sarah Palin’s self-serving slap on the back for spewing hate speech and deny that they are as anti-gay as they are anti-animal. All people …

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Betty Bowers Nails It

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Caribou Barbie Defends Phil Robertson

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Sarah Palin Lands New Reality Show

The New York Daily News reports: Sarah Palin is giving reality TV another try. The former Alaska governor will host a weekly program on the Sportsman Channel to celebrate the “red, wild and blue” lifestyle by profiling stories related to hunting, shooting and fishing. Palin’s program, “Amazing America,” will debut in April 2014, the cable channel said Monday. It has …

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Angry Atheists Are At War Against Xmas

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Martin Bashir Resigns From MSNBC

Sarah Palin has gotten her scalp. Martin Bashir today announced his resignation from MSNBC. Mediaite has his statement: After making an on-air apology, I asked for permission to take some additional time out around the Thanksgiving holiday. Upon further reflection, and after meeting with the President of MSNBC, I have tendered my resignation. It is my sincere hope that all …

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Palin Accepts Martin Bashir’s Apology

Palin was on Fox News Sunday this morning where she said that she accepts the apology of MSNBC host Martin Bashir. Then she went on with her usual Mama Grizzly routine. “As for the networks condoning those type of statements—because there’s been no punishment of a fella who said these words—that’s hypocrisy, that’s a given, though, when a conservative woman …

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Sarah Palin Has The Filibuster Sadz

“This is significant as further proof that our government is so broken. When politicians can’t get anything to work, they change rules and hope we’ll just get distracted. The hugely divisive, dysfunctional “Nuclear Option” sets a terrible precedent. Mark Levin appropriately calls it ‘the latest act of leftist tyranny.’ It’s also leftist hypocrisy. Back under Republican control of the Senate, …

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Breitbart Headline Of The Day

Palin is really milking this one.

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Palin PAC Writes To MSNBC: Why Haven’t You Disciplined Martin Bashir?

“We would now like to know what disciplinary measures you are taking about Martin Bashir’s appalling statement on his MSNBC show last Friday that someone should defecate and/or urinate in Governor Palin’s mouth because she used the word ‘slavery’ to describe the burden the federal debt will have on future generations of Americans. You fired Don Imus for offensive language …

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Martin Bashir Apologizes To Sarah Palin

On Friday, MSNBC host Martin Bashir suggested that Sarah Palin, who had compared slavery to the national debt, would never truly understand slavery unless she too had someone shit and piss in her mouth, as was done to some slaves. Right wing sites went ballistic and there were many calls for MSNBC to fire Bashir. Today he apologized. An excerpt: …

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More Controversy For MSNBC

As you can see by the headlines above, all of Teabagistan is in an uproar tonight after MSNBC host Martin Bashir mocked Sarah Palin’s comparison of the national debt to slavery. After frankly cataloging some of the vile abuses that slaves suffered under one well-known slave owner, Bashir suggested that Palin could never understand really understand slavery without the same …

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Headline Of The Day


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Sarah Palin: The Pope Is Too Liberal

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Sarah Palin War-On-Xmas Soundboard

Click over to New York Magazine and listen to clips from the audio version of Palin’s latest book, Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas.

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At Billy Graham’s Birthday Party

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Sarah Palin To CNN’s Piers Morgan:
Sorry I Can’t Be On Your Show, But I’m Busy Shooting Bears In The Head

From her Facebook page: “Oh dear Piers, thank you so much for all your invitations to appear on your shambolic show, including the adoring message you sent. But is it still any wonder why I’ve politely responded that I’m too busy doing, um, er… pretty much anything to accept the invite? (At least I didn’t tell you to ‘get stuffed’.) …

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