Tag Archives: Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin: GOP Senators Should Be Primaried By The Tea Party

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Sarah Palin On Cory Booker’s Win

“The press has now called the race for Barack Obama’s celebrity stand-in, Cory Booker, but rest assured that Steve fought gallantly for every vote that would have led to American solvency and exceptionalism.  Steve energized commonsense conservatives all across the country. And though it’s sad, it’s not surprising to see the far left lapdog media finally cover this race tonight …

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Sarah Palin Has The Shutdown Sadz

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Not Irony, Hypocrisy


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Breitbart Headline Of The Day

USA! USA! Details.

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NOM Comes Out Against Booker

“Steve Lonegan is a champion for marriage, life and religious liberty and would be a leader in the US Senate for New Jersey families. He’s a tenacious campaigner and an even more effective public official. He will get immediately to work to begin to restore the direction of the country. Corey Booker expected a coronation, not a close contest. He’s …

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Palin To Rally Against Cory Booker

Lovely photo of Lonegan.

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Sarah Palin: Storm The “Barrycades”

“It’s beyond shameful to see Barack Obama disrespect and mistreat our World War II veterans so blatantly. Obama’s political stunt to ‘shut down’ their memorial by barricade is to elicit an angry response to generate bad publicity for people the president uses in his continual blame game. The difference is obvious. There aren’t any World War I veterans alive today …

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Facebook Graphic Of The Day


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Headline Of The Day

Details. (Tipped by JMG reader Paul)

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On Fake Twitter Followers

Folks in Teabagistan are going crazy today because according to a website that tracks Twitter followers, only 28% of Michelle Obama’s followers are “good” or in other words, they are active real accounts. Amusingly, that’s the same result I just got for Sarah Palin. (Only 7% of my followers are “fake.” Hooray?)

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Palin Warns GOP Senators: Moose Season Ends Soon, We’ll Be Watching You

“Right now, Ted Cruz is speaking for us in this Obamacare fight. God bless him for it. Hang in there, Ted and Mike [Lee]. You have millions of supporters among ordinary hardworking Americans. We support you because you don’t shy away from the fray. May your colleagues in the Senate gain the wisdom to support your excellent efforts so that …

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GOP Vs Sen. Ted Cruz

@FoxNewsSunday Keep it TRULY fair & balanced. Release the GOP names encouraging you to trash @SenTedCruz. No more anonymous sources. — Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) September 22, 2013 Details.

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From Sarah Palin’s Facebook Page

Palin writes: “Thanks to my Aunt Billie in Texas for sending me her friend’s clever caption.”

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Palin: Forget Syria, Bomb Obamacare

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Sarah Palin Goes Bear Hunting

Sarah and Todd Palin are posting to her Facebook page from a bear hunt in Alaska, where Sarah is sporting the latest from the Lady Combat Survival line at Wasilla Guns & Ammo.

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Fox News Headline Of The Day

Todd Starnes writes: “All hell is breaking loose in Egypt and all President Obama is interested in doing is riding his bicycle and playing golf, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told me.” The Freepers are loving it, of course.

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Sarah Palin: GOP “Brainiacs” Stopped Me From Telling Truth About Obama In 2008

If they censored her, why did her “palling around with terrorists” schtick become such a meme in the final weeks of the campaign?

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Sarah Palin Considering 2014 Senate Bid

That’s what she says, anyway. Via Washington Post: “I’ve considered it, because people have requested me considering it,” she told radio host Sean Hannity. “But I’m still waiting to see what the lineup will be and hoping that … there will be some new blood, new energy, not just kind of picking from the same old politicians in the state.” …

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Sarah Palin: The Tea Party Must Take Over Hollywood And The Popular Culture

“Conservatives aren’t infiltrating and influencing pop culture enough, and we’re missing the boat. That’s why I’m fine with, for instance, Bristol being on the shows she’s been on and why I preach against preaching to the choir. For years, conservatives have glumly waved the white flag when it comes to influencing popular culture. Defeat has been declared many times. But …

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