Tag Archives: Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Backs Trump’s Birther Bull

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Tweet Of the Day – Sarah Palin

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The Palin/Bachmann 2012 Opera

From voiceover artist D.C. Douglas.

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Quote Of The Day – Sarah Palin

“It’s unbelievable (literally) the rhetoric coming from President Obama today. This is coming from he who is manipulating the U.S. energy supply. President Obama is once again giving lip service to a ‘new energy proposal’; but let’s remember the last time he trotted out a ‘new energy proposal’ – nearly a year ago to the day. The main difference is …

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Quote Of The Day – Sarah Palin

“I’m through whining about a liberal press that holds particularly conservative women to a different standard, because it doesn’t do any good to whine about it. Nobody ever promised life was going to be fair. And politics really isn’t fair, the scrutiny, the double standards, and all that. I’m dealing with it I guess in a different way than others …

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Cindy Jacobs: I Have Mobilized 500,000 Christian Intercessors For 2012 Election

So she says, from the podium of Sarah Palin’s church.

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Sarah Palin: I Would Have Won In 2008 If I’d Been The Top Of The Ticket

Yup, she said it. Sarah Palin was in New Delhi, India March 19 for the annual India Today conclave, where she gave a speech on “My Vision for America.” The theme for this years conclave was “The Changing Balance of Power.” After her speech, Palin sat down for a Q and A session with India Today Editor-in-Chief and Session Chairman …

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Hypothetical Matchup


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Chart Of The Day

According to a “Christian preferences” poll on prospective 2012 GOP candidates, the outlook is bleak for unseating Barack Obama.

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Sarah Palin Is The Chosen One

Start at 4:45. I love her piano cues.

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SUNDAY: Palin Fans Plan Nationwide “Pull Over If You Hate Obama” Traffic Demo

This Sunday beginning at 4pm EST, supporters of Sarah Palin are planning to pull off the road wherever they are and spend an hour honking their hatred for Obama. Stand Up America is promoting this effort for people to express their outrage. To vent in a manner that cannot be overlooked by anyone! This first wave of action is something …

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Kathy Griffin Fires Back At Sarah Palin

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Sarah Palin: Kathy Griffin Is A 50 Year Old Bully And Has-Been Comedian

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Sarah Palin On Westboro Ruling

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Sarah Palins Slams Obama On DOMA

“I have always believed that marriage is between one man and one woman. Like the majority of Americans, I support the Defense of Marriage Act and find it appalling that the Obama administration decided not to defend this federal law which was enacted with broad bipartisan support and signed into law by a Democrat president. It’s appalling, but not surprising …

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A Sample From Palin’s Fake Facebook

It’s since been deleted, but JMG reader Dave saved us a screen shot example of Sarah Palin sock-puppeting her daughter’s Facebook account.

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Sarah Palin Has A Fake Facebook Account

So that she can praise herself on her own official page. Wonkette has the scoop: Sarah Palin has apparently created a second Facebook account with her Gmail address so that this fake “Lou Sarah” person can praise the other Sarah Palin on Facebook. The Gmail address is available for anyone to see in this leaked manuscript about Sarah Palin, and …

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Palin As AK Gov: I Hate This Damn Job

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Infighting Is Funny, Part 87

Wingnut gadfly and perennial failed GOP presidential candidate Alan Keyes is attacking Sarah Palin for endorsing GOProud’s appearance at CPAC last week. According to Keyes, Palin just doesn’t understand that “legitimizing homosexuality is a life-and-death issue.” And will mean the end of America. Or something. From Keyes’ column published today by World Net Daily: Why, you rightly ask, would someone …

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GOP 2012 Favorables/Unfavorables

Nate Silver: It does look like Republicans have some legitimate reason to worry. In the previous five competitive primaries — excluding 2004 for the Republicans, when Mr. Bush won re-nomination uncontested — each party had at least two candidates whose net favorability ratings were in the positive double digits, meaning that their favorables bettered their unfavorables by at least 10 …

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