Tag Archives: Sarah Palin

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Another Signal For Palin 2012

Sarah Palin has hired longtime Republican strategist Michael Glassner as chief of staff for SarahPAC. Politicos say this is the strongest signal yet that Mama Grizzly plans to run for president. After all, why else would an unemployed former reality show star need someone like Glassner? Michael Glassner, who first worked with Ms. Palin during her 2008 vice presidential campaign, …

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Free At CPAC


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Sarah Palin SLAMS Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum says that the hassle of being a full time mommy to five kids is what kept Sarah Palin from attending CPAC. Palin: “I will not call him a ‘knuckle-dragging Neanderthal.’ I’ll let his wife call him that.”

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Chris Barron: Marriage Has Been The Province Of The States For 225 Years

Chris Barron appeared on Lawrence O’Donnell’s show tonight to talk about the anti-gay boycott of CPAC and boast about GOProud’s opposition to federal recognition for same-sex marriage. Gonna be a lot of CPAC news ’round these parts for the next few days.

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Wingnuts Mad At Palin Over GOProud

Well, that didn’t take long. Hours after Sarah Palin revealed that she didn’t have a problem with GOProud’s attendance at CPAC, the wingnuts are eating their queen. The conservative American Principles Project, which is already boycotting this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference over the inclusion of a gay GOP group, is now demanding “clarity” from former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. …

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Bristol Palin Is Writing Her Memoirs

Teen mother, abstinence proponent, and reality show star Bristol Palin is writing her memoirs at the age of 20. Hey, if Justin Bieber can do it… The memoir is set to come from William Morrow & Co., a subsidiary of HarperCollins, which published Sarah Palin’s first book, “Going Rogue: An American Life” and her second book “America by Heart: Reflections …

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Sarah Palin Backs GOProud At CPAC

In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Sarah Palin said that she has no problem with GOProud’s presence at CPAC. “I look at participation in an event like CPAC or any other event, along, or kind of in that same vein as the more information that people have, the better.”

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Sarah Palin At Reagan Centennial

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Sarah Palin Files Name Trademark

Sarah Palin has filed applications to trademark her name and the name of the her daughter, Bristol. Maybe they’re coming out with their own line of moose shotguns? It’s hard for an individual to trademark their name, but it’s not without precedent. Pop singer-songwriter Billy Joel has done it, for example. If Palin’s applications are granted, many politicians seeking to …

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Sarah Palin To Snub CPAC

Sarah Palin has declined the invitation to give the keynote address at next week’s CPAC 2011. In previous years, Palin has said she’d attend but never showed up. Last year, the former Alaska governor turned down an opportunity to speak at the event, reportedly over concerns of being affiliated with CPAC organizer David Keene. In 2008 and 2009, Palin pulled …

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Sarah Palin & The Moose

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Chris Matthews On Sarah Spudnut

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Sarah Palin: We Don’t Need A Sputnik Moment, We Need Spudnecks

No, I have no clue what a “spudneck” is either.

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Romney Leads First GOP 2012 Straw Poll

The results of the first 2012 GOP presidential straw poll are in from New Hampshire. Gingrich, Giuliani, and Santorum all got 3% or less. Donald Trump: 1%.

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Tweet Of The Day – Piers Morgan

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Lady Bunny – Ballad Of Sarah Palin

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Joan Rivers: I’m Banned By Fox

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Signorile Vs. Sarah Palin Supporter

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Sarah Palin Appears On Fox News To Respond To “Political Finger-Pointing”

Sarah Palin on Sean Hannity tonight: “In a situation like we have just faced in these last eight days of being falsely accused of being an accessory to murder, I and others need make sure that we too are shedding light on truth so a lie cannot continue to live. If a lie does live, then of course your career …

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