Tag Archives: Sarah Palin

The Sarah Palin Battle Hymn

(Via – Andrew Sullivan)

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American Family Association: Satan Is Making People Criticize Sarah Palin

“The hatred directed at her is mindless, it is baseless, it is utterly irrational, and it is disturbing to an alarming degree. When we look into the face of the unvarnished and seething meanness focused on Ms. Palin, we are looking into the face of evil. We are looking into the face of Satan himself, who is the ultimate source …

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The Only Time She Makes Sense

(Via – The Daily What)

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Unshocking: Pat Buchanan Praises Palin

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Jewish Groups Denounce Sarah Palin’s Usage Of The Term “Blood Libel”

Think Progress reports that Jewish groups are denouncing Sarah Palin’s usage of the term “blood libel.” As most of you doubtlessly know, “blood libel” refers to the anti-Semitic claim that Jews use the blood of Christian babies to make matzoh. Such claims have been used to murder hundreds of Jews. From the Jewish lobbying group, J Street: J Street is …

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Sarah Palin Charges Critics With “Blood Libel” Over Arizona Shooting

This morning Sarah Palin at last broke her silence over the Arizona shooting, issuing a nearly eight-minute video in which she charges the media with “blood libel” for linking conservatives to the tragedy. Politico reports: Palin has faced criticism for images that look like gun crosshairs to identify the districts of Democrats who were vulnerable in the 2010 elections, that …

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Dan Savage Remixes Sarah Palin

This will be the cover of this week’s issue of The Stranger, for whom Dan Savage is editorial director. Embiggen for the names.

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Trouble In The Palin Household

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Rep. Bill Brady (D-PA) To Introduce Bill Banning Violence-Inciting Political Ads

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Keith Olbermann’s Special Comment: Sarah Palin Must Be Repudiated By Her Party

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FLASHBACK: Giffords Warns About “Consequences” To Palin’s Hit List

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Sarah Palin’s Rifle Crosshairs Targeted Rep. Gabrielle Giffords For Elimination

The mainstream media MUST DEMAND a response from Palin over this. I screamed my fucking head off about this map last year for just this reason.

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Sarah Palin’s Alaska Not Renewed

There will be no season two for Sarah Palin’s Alaska. According to Entertainment Weekly, ratings are not necessarily the reason. Instead, it may be that the network would be forced to offer equal time to other 2012 presidential candidates should Palin follow through on her threat to run. Which seems all the more likely with this decision.

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HomoQuotable – Jonathan Capehart

“I guess we’re supposed to presume that Palin supports the repeal of the ban on gay men and lesbians from serving openly in the military. And I suppose by extension we should presume that she is down with gay equality. But it’s easy to support something that has already happened and costs you little to speak out about — even …

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Retweet Of The Day – Sarah Palin

Today the Quislings at GOProud are proclaiming Sarah Palin as a supporter of LGBT rights because yesterday she re-tweeted a comment on DADT by nutjob radio host Tammy Bruce. GOProud remains silent, however, on this passage from Palin’s latest book: “When it comes to raising good citizens, all ‘lifestyle choices’ are not equal.” Yeah, she’s a real fucking hero. (BTW, …

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Primaries For Palin

A website has sprung up with instructions for Democrats on how to vote for Sarah Palin in states that will hold open primaries in 2012. From the site’s FAQ page: Our purpose is to have Democrats and Independents help to nominate Sarah Palin as the Republican candidate for president in state primaries. In numerous head-to-head polls, Palin is the only …

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Sarah Palin Lies About “Refudiate”

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Quote Of The Day – Sarah Palin

“Conservationists write me these nasty letters because I support an industry like this,” the former vice presidential candidate said, after taking a chainsaw to an Evergreen Timber tree. “They write me these nasty letters using their pretty little pencils on their pretty little stationery not realizing. Where do you think your pencil and your piece of paper came from, people? …

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Sarah Palin: Misinformer Of The Year

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A Sarah Palin Christmas

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