Tag Archives: Sarah Palin

Homocon Tweet Of The Day – GOProud

Here’s what GOProud’s hero Sarah Palin says about gays in her latest book: “When it comes to raising good citizens, all ‘lifestyle choices’ are not equal.” Palin is against gay parenting and believes being gay is a choice. Anybody wanna bet GOProud calls her out on that? Anyone?

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Sarah Palin’s New Book Is Tanking

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Quote Of The Year – I’m Not A Witch

Yale librarian Fred Shapiro’s annual list of the year’s most memorable quotes is out and Christine O’Donnell lands on the top ten twice, including at #1. 1. (TIE) “I’m not a witch.” Christine O’Donnell, television advertisement, Oct. 4.1. (TIE) “I’d like my life back.” Tony Hayward, comment to reporters, May 30.3. “If you touch my junk, I’m gonna have you …

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PETA Vs. Sarah Palin

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Margaret Cho On Latest Bristol Palin Flap

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Quote Of The Day – Bristol Palin

“You say you ‘don’t agree with the family’s politics at all’ but I say, if you understood that commonsense conservative values support the right of individuals like you, like all of us, to live our lives with less government interference and more independence, you would embrace us faster than k.d. lang at an Indigo Girls concert.” – Bristol Palin, in …

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Tweet Of The Day – Sarah Palin

Mama Grizzly is very touchy about the criticism of tonight episode of her reality show in which she goes hunting for caribou. Today Palin hosts wingnut hunting advocate Ted Nugent on a pre-show podcast.

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Sarah Palin: Jan Brewer Has The Cojones That Obama Should Have On Immigration

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Pravda Calls Sarah Palin A Traitor To USA

Russia’s Pravda newspaper is blasting Sarah Palin as an unpatriotic traitor to the ideals of America because she has advocated what the paper characterizes as “cyber terrorism” to bring down WikiLeaks. She turns not only against the fibre and backbone of her country, but against its democratically-elected President, accusing him of being incompetent for not stopping Wikileaks. Where was she …

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Today’s Lie From Sarah Palin

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Sarah Palin On WikiLeaks

Sarah Palin thinks that because she got Gawker to stop leaking excerpts of her book, the U.S. government should be able to stop the release of potentially damaging information by WikiLeaks. Which is hosted in Sweden, where “it is forbidden according to Swedish law for any administrative authority to make inquiries about the sources of any type of newspaper.”

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Obama: I Don’t Think About Sarah Palin

That bit comes at 3:30. The rest is about Bristol Palin.

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Sarah Palin: Put The Witch On DWTS

Backstage sources are snitching that while she visited her daughter on the set of Dancing With The Stars, Sarah Palin lobbied producers to cast Christine O’Donnell for next year’s season. An executive at ABC reportedly signaled that O’Donnell taking to the dancing floor might be an idea worth considering. The network insider also took a shot at the conservative favorite’s …

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Sarah Palin: No More Gotcha Interviews!

Sarah Palin wants to “clean up journalism.”

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DWTS Finale: Bristol’s Last Dances

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Sarah Palin Eyeing Office Space In Iowa?

According to a report in the UK’s Guardian, Sarah Palin is hunting for office space in the early primary state of Iowa. Palin is scheduled to visit Iowa this week to launch her new book. “In the course of making arrangements for that tour, two aides organising Palin’s visit to Des Moines on November 27 told locals they were looking …

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Frank Rich On Palin 2012

“If logic applied to Palin’s career trajectory, this month might have been judged dreadful for her. In an otherwise great year for Republicans she endorsed a ‘Star Wars’ bar gaggle of anomalous and wacky losers — the former witch, Christine O’Donnell; the raging nativist, Tom Tancredo; and at least two candidates who called for armed insurrection against the government, Sharron …

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Barbara Bush: Palin Should Stay In Alaska

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Joe Biden Mocks Palin’s 2012 Chances

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Fox News Hosts Diss Sarah Palin

Unfortunately for them, someone in the control room was recording and leaked out the video.

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