Tag Archives: Sarah Palin

Dingbatting 1000

Keith Olbermann points out that Sarah Palin doesn’t understand that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were actually private companies and goes on to point out numerous other lies that Palin is telling over and over, including her claim that she opposed the “bridge to nowhere” and that she sold the government jet on eBay. (It was sold by a jet …

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HomoQuotable – Billie Jean King

“Now we’re back to the experience. Remember how they were talking about how the experience for Hillary wasn’t necessary? Do you notice how they’re talking about experience again? I’m just cracking up. I’m just like, whatever! I think Palin’s great. I think she’s awesome. I think she’s honest, I think she’s real.” – Tennis legend Billie Jean King when asked …

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Gallup Poll: McCain Takes Lead

The latest Gallup poll shows McCain taking a sharp upswing as Palin’s post-convention creepy fanclub of snake handlers continues to grow. But from Real Clear Politics, here’s their latest assessment of where the electoral college stands. Of course, these maps can vary widely depending on who’s doing the guessing.

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Face Time Overload

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“Obama Ist Best! Very Good OK!”

Pretty much every person we’ve met here immediately wants to talk about Sarah Palin thanks to my Obama cap, which only a hour finally elicted the above quote from a shopper at Checkpoint Charlie. The consensus on Palin is completely horrible, of course. One very tall Finn told me last night that she’s become a national joke for his countrymen. …

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HomoQuotable – Camille Paglia

“We may be seeing the first woman president. As a Democrat, I am reeling. That was the best political speech I have ever seen delivered by an American woman politician. Palin is as tough as nails.” – Camille Paglia, responding to Sarah Palin’s first speech after she was introduced by John McCain in Dayton, Ohio.

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Good Luck Palin Death Race

Now playing in Wasilla, Alaska. (Via – Band Of Thebes via Andrew Sullivan)

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Us Weekly: Babies, Lies & Scandals

Well, this isn’t going to help McCain pull in those women. “Within hours of McCain’s surprise introduction of the little-known, charismatic mother of five as his running mate, the scandals began to emerge as quickly as flies at a Labor Day picnic. “While putting to rest one scandal, Palin appeared to have opened another of even greater significance. Staunchly antiabortion …

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Rev. Wright Redux

“The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government and I won’t be buried under their damn flag. I’ll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home.” – Alaskan Independence Party founder Joe Vogler, speaking in 1991. McCain’s campaign has proven that Sarah Palin did …

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Cognitive Dissonance

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The Levi & Bristol Show

The Republicans will be trotting out Levi Johnston at the convention. The boyfriend of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s unwed, pregnant daughter will join the family of the Republican vice presidential candidate at the GOP convention in St. Paul, Minn. Levi Johnston’s mother said her 18-year-old son left Alaska on Tuesday morning to join the Palin family at the convention where …

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Sarah Palin To Alaskan Secessionists:
Keep Up The Good Work!

Here’s Sarah Palin’s message to the Alaskan Independence Party’s 2008 convention. Prior to becoming a Republican, Palin belonged to the AIP which calls for a state vote on seceding from the United States. In this clip, the current VP of the AIP describes Palin as still “very sympathetic” to their movement. It was scrubbed from the AIP’s site yesterday, but …

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More Palin Lies?

It seems that much of Sarah Palin’s pre-political background may be fabricated, including her claim that she was Miss Congeniality in the 1984 Miss Wasilla pageant. Amy Gwin, 43, of University City, grew up in Alaska and competed in the Miss Wasilla, Alaska, competition in 1984 against GOP vice presidential choice Sarah Palin. Gwin said Friday that she won the …

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HomoQuotable – Scott Tucker

“Well, we hit the ground in Minneapolis and, as you can imagine, it’s been quite hectic. The McCain campaign did a brilliant job today of quickly stealing back the spotlight after Sen. Obama’s successful speech in Denver. Sen. McCain’s choice for Vice President, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, is a smart choice on many levels. She unifies the GOP across the …

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Do Not Pass Go

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Oh So NOW They’re Vetting Her

John McCain’s campaign said today that they “have a team on the ground in Alaska” to look more thoroughly into Sarah Palin’s background. Barn door wide open, horse seen accepting nomination. The New York Times reports that not only had McCain only met Palin once prior to asking her to join the ticket, he’d been holding out until the last …

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John McCain’s Wandering Eyes

And notice how he fidgets with and then removes his wedding ring. In poker, that’s called a “tell.”

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Palin Withdrawal Watch

Wonkette has started a “Sarah Palin Early Withdrawal Watch.” Palin was part of some loopy anti-American group of Alaskan nuts that wants to secede from America. Why does she hate America so much? Palin is a big supporter of MSNBC nut Pat Buchanan, but not just because of his funny nonsense on teevee! She actually supported him in his Reform …

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Bristol Palin’s Baby Daddy

The New York Post got to Levi Johnston’s MySpace page before it went private: “I’m a fuckin’ redneck who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes. But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some shit and just fuckin’ chillin’ I guess. Ya fuck with me I’ll …

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Bristol Palin Pregnant – Right Now

I haven’t said anything about the whisper campaign that Sarah Palin’s 17 year-old daughter Bristol (above right) actually gave birth to her Downs Syndrome baby because it just seemed ridiculous and cruel. Even over at Daily Kos, many commenters demanded that posts on the subject be taken down. And yet the story continued to grow and entered the MSM. Today …

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