Tag Archives: Teabagistan

Trump Applauds Putin’s Attack On Hillary Clinton

The merger is well underway. The Washington Post reports: President-elect Donald Trump late Friday publicly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin for attacking Trump’s former Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. In a striking statement that seems to further align Trump with Putin, the incoming U.S. president tweeted that he agreed with the Russian leader’s assessment that Clinton and the Democratic Party generally …

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Trump Team Demands Names Of Obama Administration Officials Working To Counter Extremist Groups

Last week they demanded to know who has been working on climate change and gender equality. And now this. Via Reuters: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has asked two Cabinet departments for the names of government officials working on programs to counter violent extremism, according to a document seen by Reuters and U.S. officials. The requests to the State …

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Politico: Trump Really Does Lie About His Height

Because as we’ve seen a thousand times, he’ll lie about anything. Via Politico: Donald Trump and his doctor claim he’s 6-foot-3, but his New York driver’s license says he’s actually an inch shorter. A copy of Trump’s license, obtained by POLITICO through an open-records request, lists the president-elect at 6-foot-2. It may just be an inch, but size apparently matters …

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Trump: I Got A “Very Nice Letter” From Putin

CNN reports: President-elect Donald Trump on Friday shared a letter he received from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who offered Trump his “warmest Christmas and New Year greetings” and urged the next president “to take real steps to restore the framework of bilateral cooperation.” “A very nice letter from Vladimir Putin; his thoughts are so correct,” Trump said in a statement. …

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NEW JERSEY: Gov. Chris Christie Attacks “The Haters” For Blocking Him From Book Profits While In Office

NJ.com reports: Gov. Chris Christie on Thursday night attacked “the haters” he said allowed personal animus to deny him the ability to profit from a writing book while in office. “People are asking as if this is a long-standing tradition,” Christie said during his monthly call-in radio show, “Ask the Governor,” on New Jersey 101.5-FM. He then noted that the …

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Trump Whines About Conflict Of Interest Rules

The Independent reports: Donald Trump has claimed that concerns over potential conflicts of interest in selling access to his daughter will prevent his son from raising money to treat children with cancer. His elder daughter, Ivanka Trump, was offering to go for a coffee with the winner of the auction. The auction was intended to benefit the Eric Trump Foundation, …

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Trump On Nukes: “Let It Be An Arms Race”

Politico reports: President-elect Donald Trump on Friday morning escalated his calls for a stronger U.S. nuclear arsenal, saying he was fine with an “arms race” if it puts the U.S. in a stronger position against foreign adversaries. “Let it be an arms race … we will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all,” Trump told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” …

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Freakouts Follow Trump’s “More Nukes” Tweet Which Came Hours After A Similar Message From Putin

The Hill reports: Arms-control groups said it was unclear what Trump meant by expanding and strengthening nuclear capability, but listed several possible scenarios: building more nuclear-capable systems than planned under the current modernization efforts, having nuclear-capable systems carry the maximum number of warheads possible, creating bombs with more kilotons of nuclear power and increasing the number of warheads in the …

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Trump Team Demands State Department Hand Over All Information About Their Gender Equality Programs

The Washington Post reports: The Trump transition team instructed the State Department to turn over all information Wednesday about “gender-related staffing, programming, and funding,” setting off alarm bells among those who fear that the new administration is going to purge programs that promote women’s equality along with the people who work on them. Only a week after being embroiled in …

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Trump Calls For Expanding Nuclear Arsenal

Reuters reports: U.S. President-elect Donald Trump called on Thursday for the country to expand its nuclear weapons capabilities until the world “comes to its senses” – a signal he may support costly efforts to modernize the aging U.S. nuclear arsenal. During the next decade, U.S. ballistic missile submarines, bombers, and land-based missiles – the three legs of the nuclear triad …

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Seth Meyers Blasts Trump On Climate Change [VIDEO]

USA Today reports: Seth Meyers worries that “one of the most dire consequences” of Donald Trump’s impending presidency is its possible effect on climate change, citing the president-elect’s tweet from 2012, saying it was a farce. “Obviously his statements on climate change have not been promising,” the Late Night host began on his show Wednesday, “like his infamous claim that …

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Trump Meets With “Puppet Master” David Koch

The Washington Post reports: President-elect Donald Trump had a private exchange Wednesday night with billionaire industrialist David Koch, with whom he clashed during the 2016 presidential race and whose conservative policy objectives have often diverged from Trump’s agenda. The huddle at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Fla., was witnessed by several people and orchestrated by Trump’s friend, Newsmax chief …

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Trump Team Floats Trade Tariffs

CNN reports: The Trump transition team is floating the possibility of an early executive action to impose tariffs on foreign imports, according to multiple sources. Such a move would deliver on President-elect Donald Trump’s “America First” campaign theme. But it’s causing alarm among business interests and the pro-trade Republican establishment. The Trump transition team didn’t immediately respond to a request …

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Former Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski To Open Consulting Office Blocks From White House

The Hill reports: President-elect Donald Trump’s former campaign manager and Ben Carson’s former campaign manager will launch a political consulting firm in Washington, D.C., this week, The Hill has confirmed. The Washington Examiner first reported that Corey Lewandowski and Barry Bennett have been on the prowl for new clients for Avenue Strategies, which they describe as “a full service government …

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Bill O’Reilly Goes Full White Supremacist [VIDEO]

Mic.com reports: Fox News host Bill O’Reilly went on a white supremacism-laden rant Tuesday night, saying that the effort to abolish the Electoral College is an attempt by “the left” to take away power from the “white establishment.” O’Reilly went on to denounce Democrats for being “reliant on the minority vote and female voters” in their electoral coalition. “The left …

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Seth Meyers: Tweetin’ With The Prez [VIDEO]

The Week reports: Donald Trump loves his Twitter, and in an attempt to keep track of the president-elect’s 140-character musings, Seth Meyers is launching a new segment, “Tweetin’ with the Prez.” On Tuesday’s Late Night, Meyers quipped that Trump’s Twitter feed will serve as “his version of FDR’s fireside chats, if FDR used his fireside chats to say stuff like, …

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Crybaby-In-Chief Cries And Cries Again

He just cannot stop: President-elect Donald Trump went on Twitter Wednesday morning to defend his Electoral College victory and explain away his popular vote loss in last month’s election. “Campaigning to win the Electoral College is much more difficult & sophisticated than the popular vote. Hillary focused on the wrong states!” Trump wrote on Twitter at about 8:15 a.m. That …

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Newt Gingrich: Donald Trump No Longer Talks About “Draining The Swamp” Because It Sounds Undignified

Politico reports: President-elect Donald Trump campaigned on a promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington of corruption, but now that he’s preparing to move into the White House, Newt Gingrich said the Manhattan billionaire is looking to distance himself from that message. “I’m told he now just disclaims that. He now says it was cute, but he doesn’t want to …

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Trump Advisor Anthony Scaramucci: Don’t Take Trump’s Words Literally, Take Him Symbolically [VIDEO]

Politico reports: Take Donald Trump seriously but not literally — or better yet, take him symbolically, a member of the president-elect’s transition executive committee advised Tuesday. “No, no, no, no, don’t take him literally, take him symbolically,” Anthony Scaramucci told MSNBC. “See, it’s different.” Scaramucci suggested that Trump has pushed back his news conference from Dec. 15 because “he’s a …

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Seth Meyers Blasts Head Of North Carolina GOP Over Power Grab From Incoming Dem Governor [VIDEO]

USA Today reports: Like many protesters, Seth Meyers isn’t okay with North Carolina Republicans’ attempts to take power from Democratic governor-elect Roy Cooper. “That’s like losing a bet,” the Late Night host said in the NSFW clip, “and paying with Monopoly money.” Meyers addressed the Executive Director of the North Carolina Republican Party, Dallas Woodhouse and his defense of the …

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