Tag Archives: Teabagistan

Trump Ally Roger Stone Launches Petition To Incoming Attorney General Jeff Sessions: Charge Hillary Now

Law Newz reports: Roger Stone apparently really wants to see Hillary Clinton “frogged marched” out of her Chappaqua, NY residence and into the Metropolitan Correction Center in Manhattan to await criminal charges of some sort. In fact, Stone is reportedly now formally petitioning the incoming Trump administration to empanel a grand jury to investigate possible criminal charges against the former …

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HE CAN’T RESIST: Trump Hits Back At Bill Clinton

From the right wing Daily Caller: Donald Trump is firing back after Bill Clinton said he only knew how to appeal to “angry white men.” When the former president ran into the editor of the Bedford-Pound Ridge Record Review in Katonah, New York recently, he said that the president-elect “didn’t know much.” “One thing he does know is how to …

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Fox News: Santa Claus Is A Butch Right-Winger

According to a column published today by Fox News, Santa Claus is obviously a butch manly man and hardcore right winger. An excerpt: He is a man with a harsh and stringent code. Santa makes lists of children throughout the world and, oh no, he puts them in categories according to their behavior. He believes in accountability, but is generous …

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Sarah Palin Attacks NYT With Kanye West Lyric

Via Raw Story: Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin took to Twitter Monday to share a head-scratcher of a tweet featuring the NSFW lyrics of Kanye West. The song she’s referencing, of course, is West’s 2005 hit “Gold Digger” featuring Jamie Foxx—although the former Alaska governor inexplicably replaced the original lyrics (“you ain’t messin’ with no broke n****r) with “there’s …

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SOUTH CAROLINA: Loony State Rep’s Bill Mandates Porn Blockers For All New Computers And Phones

Go Upstate reports: An Upstate legislator is hoping to prevent anyone who buys a computer in South Carolina from accessing pornography. State Rep. Bill Chumley, R-Spartanburg, said the Human Trafficking Prevention Act would require manufacturers or sellers to install digital blocking capabilities on computers and other devices that access the internet to prevent the viewing of obscene content. The bill …

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MORE OF A SHELBYVILLE IDEA: Trump Sells “Limited Edition” Souvenir Thank You Tour Plastic Cups

Via Mediaite: President Elect Donald Trump likes to put his name on things. He will license it out to buildings that he doesn’t own, board game manufacturers, and steak distributors for some reason, plus he has his own range of in-house merchandise stemming from his campaign. As part of his “Thank You Tour,” that last one has been updated, and …

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Pat McCrory: Charlotte’s LGBT Rights Repeal Proves The Issue Was Invented To Cost Me My Governorship

Via press release: “Governor McCrory has always publicly advocated a repeal of the overreaching Charlotte ordinance. But those efforts were always blocked by Jennifer Roberts, Roy Cooper and other Democratic activists,” said Graham Wilson, Press Secretary. “This sudden reversal with little notice after the gubernatorial election sadly proves this entire issue originated by the political left was all about politics …

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World Net Daily: Joe Arpaio Will Present Congress With Proof That Obama’s Birth Certificate Is Totally Fake

Via World Net Daily: Evidence that the document presented to the American public by Barack Obama as his Hawaiian birth certificate is fake soon will be heading to members of Congress, and the difficult discussions over what crimes may have been committed and what should be done could begin soon. The atmosphere in Washington will be different under Trump, who …

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Today’s Hypocritical Whine From Trump

This is the guy who two days ago praised his supporters for having been “vicious, mean, and violent” during the campaign. Via Politico: Donald Trump tweeted late Sunday that his supporters would be “scorned” if they threatened people — a likely diss to those who are threatening Electoral College electors in an attempt to persuade them to vote for someone …

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WaPo Poll: Majority Of Republicans Say They Believe Donald Trump Actually Won The Popular Vote

The Washington Post reports: Amid the speculation on whether the electoral college will refuse to make Donald Trump president, many Trump opponents are pinning their hopes on one glaring fact: Hillary Clinton’s sizable win in the popular vote. Clinton’s lead now exceeds 2.8 million votes (more than 2.1 percent of the total vote) and continues to grow. Many Democrats hope …

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Kellyanne Conway: Obama Only Complains About Russian Hacking Because Hillary Is Making Him [VIDEO]

CBS News reports: Kellyanne Conway, a top adviser to Donald Trump, questioned Sunday President Obama’s motives for choosing to respond against Russia over cyber attacks into Democratic party systems. Asked on CBS’ “Face the Nation” whether the president-elect approved of Mr. Obama’s call to take action against Russia because of the Kremlin-directed hacked, Conway said Mr. Trump “respects” the decision. …

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Ann Coulter: It Wasn’t The Russians

From the right wing Daily Caller: Ann Coulter tweeted early this morning that former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was the source of the Democratic National Committee leaks and threw her followers into a frenzy in the process. Coulter claimed that two sources informed her of Sanders’ participation, adding that “it was communists who leaked, not former communists.” Most of …

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Breitbart: Mock Your Liberal Friends And Family With Our “Precious Snowflake” Christmas Ornament

Breitbart is encouraging their readers to sow familial disharmony over the holidays with a mocking Christmas ornament. Here’s the pitch: “We could not offer therapy dogs or cry-ins. That being said, nothing says You’re Precious quite like Breitbart’s first ever Snowflake Tree Ornament. Crafted with love in the USA, these snowflakes will NOT melt, even if the recipients do.” This …

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Trump Praises Supporters For Being “Vicious, Violent, Screaming” During His Campaign Rallies [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: President-elect Donald Trump on Friday acknowledged that his backers were “vicious” and “violent” during the campaign. “You people were vicious, violent, screaming, ‘Where’s the wall? We want the wall!’ Screaming, ‘Prison! Prison! Lock her up!’ I mean you are going crazy. I mean, you were nasty and mean and vicious and you wanted to win, right?” Trump …

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Hardcore Teabagger Tapped To Run Budget Office

Politico reports: Rep. Mick Mulvaney has been picked as director of the Office of Management and Budget for President-elect Donald Trump, the transition team confirmed Saturday morning. One of the founding members of the hard-line House Freedom Caucus, the South Carolina Republican is a fierce fiscal conservative. An aide to the transition team indicated Mulvaney would be tapped Friday night. …

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Trump: China’s Drone Theft Is “Unpresidented”

The Independent reports: Donald Trump has accused China of “stealing” a US Navy drone, after it was seized in international waters of the South China Sea. The President-elect tweeted: “China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters – rips it out of water and takes it to China in unpresidented [sic] act.” The incident, which followed Mr Trump’s …

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NORTH CAROLINA: Chaos At State House As Police Arrest Protesters Furious At GOP Power Grab [VIDEO]

The New York Times reports: Amid a tense and dramatic backdrop of outrage and frustration, the Republican-controlled state legislature on Friday approved a sweeping package of restrictions on the power of the governor’s office in advance of the swearing in of the Democratic governor-elect, Roy Cooper. Protesters spent a second day chanting and disrupting debate. Some were arrested and led …

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Fake News Outlet World Net Daily: Joe Arpaio Has Found Obama’s Birth Certificate To Be So Damn Fake

Too late, suckers. Via World Net Daily: A years-long forensics investigation into the computer image of the long-form Hawaiian birth certificate image that Barack Obama released during a White House news conference during his first term and presented to the American people as an official government document concluded it is “fake.” The probe also confirms that those who were subjected …

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Vanity Fair Subscriptions Skyrocket After Trump Attack

Folio reports: Vanity Fair’s subscriptions increased 100 fold following a Thursday morning tweet from president-elect Donald Trump which stated without evidence that the magazine had “really poor numbers.” “This was the highest number of subscriptions sold in a single day ever at Condé Nast,” a Condé Nast spokesperson tells Folio. Trump’s tweet was seemingly in response to an article by …

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Michelle Malkin Tells Sean Hannity: Any Elector Who Dumps Trump Is A Traitor And Saboteur [VIDEO]

Via Mediaite: Michelle Malkin had some strong words on Fox News tonight for any electors going against Donald Trump. She told Sean Hannity that clearly a lot of liberals are “still suffering from post-election trauma,” saying she has more pity than anger for them at this point. But as for any electors planning on going against Trump, Malkin had this …

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