Tag Archives: Teabagistan

Trump: Hillary Is A Stupid Head

The Hill reports: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Monday mocked Hillary Clinton for failing to pass the Washington, D.C. bar exam. The Republican nominee in subsequent tweet hit on Clinton’s judgment, citing past statements by Bernie Sanders, the Democratic nominee’s primary rival. According to PolitiFact, Clinton took the Washington, D.C. bar exam in the summer of 1973 and did …

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Eric Trump: My Father Is Running For President Because Obama Renamed The White House Christmas Tree

Eric Trump this week made the insane claim that part of the reason that his father is running for president is that the National Christmas Tree at the White House has been renamed the “Holiday Tree.” Which, as you can see, it has not. Buzzfeed has the quote: “He opens up the paper each morning and sees our nation’s leaders …

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Pence: Trump Hasn’t Flip-Flopped On Immigration

CNN reports: Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence insisted Sunday that Donald Trump has been “absolutely consistent” on how he’d treat undocumented immigrants as president and his recent comments on the topic have been that of “a CEO at work.” But he wouldn’t directly address whether Trump would stick with his calls during the GOP primary campaign for a “deportation …

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Roger Stone: If Hillary Wins, I’ll Move To Costa Rica Because America Will Be Overrun By Raping Muslims

The Hill reports: Donald Trump supporter Roger Stone would move to Costa Rica if Hillary Clinton is elected president. “If Hillary wins, we’re done as a nation. We’ll be overrun by hordes of young Muslims, like Germany and France, raping, killing, violating, desecrating,” Stone said in an interview with the Financial Times. “If Hillary wins, there will be widespread unrest, …

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Donald Trump: The Murder Of An NBA Star’s Cousin Proves That African-Americans Will Vote For Me

Talking Points Memo reports: NBA star Dwayne Wade’s cousin Nykea Aldridge was fatally shot Friday pushing a child in a stroller in a Chicago. Less than 24 hours later, Donald Trump said her death was evidence that African-Americans will vote for him in November. The tweet Saturday morning is just the latest tone deaf comment by Trump as he attempts …

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Enter The Pickle Truthers: Alex Jones Claims Jimmy Kimmel Faked Hillary Opening That Pickle Jar [VIDEO]

The Hill recaps: Jimmy Kimmel thought he was putting to rest the rumors swirling around Hillary Clinton’s health when he asked her to open a pickle jar on his show earlier this week. But, as might be expected, the “pickle test” did little to assuage Clinton opponents, who now see Kimmel as a willing participant in the conspiracy to cover …

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Trump’s Doctor: I Wrote That Health Letter In Five Minutes While Trump’s Limo Waited Outside [VIDEO]

NBC News reports: Donald Trump’s personal physician said he wrote a letter declaring Trump would be the healthiest president in history in just five minutes while a limo sent by the candidate waited outside his Manhattan office. Dr. Harold Bornstein, who has been the GOP nominee’s doctor for 35 years, told NBC News on Friday that he stands by his …

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Ex-Wife Of Trump Campaign CEO: He Didn’t Want Our Kids Going To School With “Whiny Jews” [VIDEO]

From the New York Daily News: Donald Trump’s campaign CEO Stephen Bannon was branded an anti-Semite by the same ex-wife who claimed he choked her, court documents reveal. Mary Louise Piccard said in a 2007 court declaration that Bannon didn’t want their twin daughters attending the Archer School for Girls in Los Angeles because many Jewish students were enrolled at …

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Ann Coulter: The Democrats Will Steal The Election

Everything’s rigged. EVERYTHING!!!111!11! Via Politico: If Donald Trump loses in a close election, Ann Coulter says fraud will be to blame. In an interview with POLITICO, the commentator on the far right of the conservative spectrum fed a narrative popular among Trump’s supporters that the only way Hillary Clinton can win is if Democrats tamper with the results or vote …

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MAINE: Nutjob Gov. Paul LePage Calls Democrat A “Socialist Cocksucker” In Voicemail Melt Down [AUDIO]

Mother Jones reports: Just one day after claiming 90 percent of the drug-traffickers arrested in Maine are either black or Latino, the state’s combative governor Paul LePage left a threatening voicemail in which he called a state representative a “son of a bitch, socialist cocksucker.” According to LePage, Rep. Drew Gattine, a Democrat, was one of several local lawmakers who …

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Sarah Palin: Nobody Ever Called Donald Trump A Racist Until He Ran Against “Anointed Democrat” Hillary

“Leftists throw down the race card in a despicable manner in order to distract from revelations of crony corruption on steroids within the Clinton Foundation and Hillary’s State Department. Donald J. Trump was NEVER called a ‘racist’ or a ‘bigot’ until he chose to run against the anointed democrat leader, Hillary Clinton. For decades, Trump has enjoyed close relationships with …

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Today In Teabagger Website “Humor”

The far-right Washington Free Beacon today began selling $99 walkers for its readers that want to go as Hillary Clinton on Halloween. Ten bucks off with the keyword “prison.” Oh, the hilarity. The Free Beacon was launched in 2012 by the far-right Center For American Freedom, which is the spawn of the Emergency Committee For Israel. Bill Kristol sits on …

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NEW YORK CITY: Russian Mobster Donates Max To Trump After “Confidential” Visit To Trump Tower

Whoa. Politico reports: A Russian-born, mafia-linked businessman whose ties to both Donald Trump and loyalists of Russian President Vladimir Putin have sparked scrutiny, visited Trump Tower last month for undisclosed business, he told POLITICO. The businessman, Felix Sater, also donated the maximum allowable contribution to Trump’s presidential campaign, according to the campaign’s most recent FEC filing. Sater, whose firm co-developed …

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Breitbart CEO Once Charged With Domestic Abuse

Via Politico: Stephen K. Bannon, the new CEO of the Donald Trump campaign, was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence, battery and dissuading a witness following an incident in early January 1996, though the case was ultimately dismissed, according to a police report and court documents. The Santa Monica, Calif., police report says that Bannon’s then-wife claimed he pulled at her …

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Homocon Milo Whatsisopoulos: Hillary’s Attack On Breitbart Is The Typical Leftist Name-Calling Smear

The homocon who famously got permanently banned from Twitter for his smear tactics isn’t very happy about today’s speech by Hillary Clinton. Breitbart (who else would have him?) has the quote: “Hillary Clinton today used every tactic in the playbook of the identity-obsessed progressive Left: smears, name-calling and finger-wagging. This is precisely what the alt-right is responding to. They post …

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Rush Limbaugh Can’t Stop Laughing Over Ann Coulter’s Plight On Trump’s Immigration Flip-Flop [AUDIO]

Via Mediaite: Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh fell into a fit of laughter Thursday while telling his listeners about how Donald Trump had somehow managed to convince his loyal followers to support amnesty just before Ann Coulter‘s book came out. “Who knew,” Limbaugh finally managed to say between chuckles, “that it would be Donald Trump to come out and convert …

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David Duke: Trump Sounds Alt-Right To Me [AUDIO]

Via Right Wing Watch: Yesterday, Louisiana-based white nationalist and U.S. Senate candidate David Duke reacted to the news of Hillary Clinton’s upcoming speech about Donald Trump’s ties to the alt-right, a racist movement championed by Duke, by noting that Trump speaks just like alt-right leaders. Duke said that Clinton “is really concerned and really scared because she realizes that there’s …

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Jill Stein: Julian Assange Is A Hero

Jill Stein went on a pro-Wikileaks tweetstorm today because, hey, so what if Julian Assange has facilitated the criminal hacking of a major US political party? So what if Julian Assange is a tool of the murderous Putin regime? So what if Julian Assange has outed gay men and male rape victims in Saudi Arabia? She’s talking big picture, people!

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White Supremacist Who Coined “Alt-Right” Term Demands That Hillary Apologize For Being Anti-White

From white nationalist Richard Spencer: Over the past few months, Hillary Clinton has engaged, rhetorically and directly, with an array of groups that support an anti-White agenda. Whether that’s endorsing the “Black Lives Matter” movement, which is directly responsible for a rise in violence throughout America, or her surrogates chastising European-Americans for their background and heritage. And she’s at it …

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Trump Spox: He Hasn’t Changed His Position On Immigration, He Just Changed The Words [VIDEO]

And the entire CNN panel laughed in her face. Via The Hill: Donald Trump’s spokeswoman on Thursday defended the GOP nominee over criticism about his immigration policies. “He hasn’t changed his position on immigration. He’s changed the words that he is saying,” Katrina Pierson said on CNN. “What he has always said from the beginning is that he does not …

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