Tag Archives: Teabagistan

Trump Flip-Flops On Immigration [VIDEO]

From the New York Daily News: There may be a crack in Donald Trump’s wall. The anti-immigrant GOP presidential candidate said in a TV interview that aired Wednesday night that his time on the campaign trail has made him sympathetic to the plight of many undocumented people who have been in the U.S. for a long time. That position veers …

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Trump: Hillary Clinton Is A Bigot [VIDEO]

Via NBC News: Donald Trump has spent the week calling for African-Americans to uproot voter trends, reject “the bigotry” of Hillary Clinton, and vote for him in November. But Wednesday night, Trump escalated the line of attack and labeled Clinton herself a “bigot.” “Hillary Clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings …

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Glenn Beck Faces Potential Jailing After Refusing To Name Alleged Boston Marathon Bombing Sources

Glenn Beck and two of his staffers face jailing for contempt after refusing today to name the alleged sources that led them to wrongly accuse a Saudi man of being behind the Boston Marathon bombing. Via Law Newz: In a letter delivered Wednesday, Beck’s attorney, Michael J. Grygiel, said that Beck and his colleague Joe Weasel, would refuse to reveal …

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TONIGHT: Fox’s Megyn Kelly To Interview Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange About “October Surprise”

The Hill reports: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will appear on Megyn Kelly’s “The Kelly File” on Fox News on Wednesday night as part of a two-part interview. The two are expected to discuss the possibility of a WikiLeaks “October surprise” that could impact the presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  Fox News says Kelly will also tackle WikiLeaks’s …

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DNC: These Are Actual Breitbart Headlines [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: The Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Tuesday released an ad using controversial headlines from Breitbart News — the outlet once run by Donald Trump’s new campaign CEO — to attack the GOP presidential nominee’s campaign rhetoric. “Former chairman of Breitbart News Stephen Bannon is now Donald Trump’s campaign chief,” the ad text says. “These are some of …

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Wacko Tea Party Doctor: Hillary Clinton’s Laughter Demonstrates Her Traumatic Brain Injury [VIDEO]

Ooh papa toony. Via Right Wing Watch: Graham Ledger of the conservative One America News Network spoke about Clinton’s health with Dr. Jane Orient of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, which, despite its innocuous name, is a far-right group that champions a whole host of bizarre claims. Ledger, wondering if the former secretary of state has brain damage …

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Coulter Threatens To Turn On Trump: If He Flip-Flops On Immigration I’ll Cancel My Book Tour [VIDEO]

Via Mediaite: Coulter appeared on MSNBC’s Hardball Tuesday evening, where Chris Matthews asked her to weigh in on recent remarks from Trump in which he admitted that he was considering “softening” his policies on immigration. “We’re not looking to hurt people,” Trump had said. Coulter said Trump’s comments “sounded very consultant to me,” adding, “This could be the shortest book …

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Dr. Stabby: “Elderly” Candidates Like Trump And Hillary Should Always Release Their Medical Records [VIDEO]

And this guy supports Trump. Via Politico: Not only should Hillary Clinton release a new health report confirming her fitness to be commander in chief, so should Donald Trump, Ben Carson said Wednesday. Carson, a retired world-renowned neurosurgeon who supports Trump, called it “common sense” for those running for the White House to “disclose their medical history,” “particularly if they’re …

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Trump Campaign Manager: We’re Actually Winning Right Now Because Of Our “Undercover Trump Voters”

This is how the Trump campaign is spinning the polls for the British press: Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told the UK’s Channel 4 that Donald Trump is actually winning the election, but every poll is wrong because Trump voters are undercover. Conway denied on the Channel 4 special “President Trump: Can He Really Win?” that Trump was losing and …

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Trump: I’m Open To Softening On Immigration [VIDEO]

Via Fox News: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said Tuesday he is open to “softening” laws dealing with illegal immigrants in a “Hannity” town hall with Fox News’ Sean Hannity. His remarks were the latest sign he is considering softening a position he has taken since the onset of his campaign. Trump was asked by Hannity if he would change …

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Karl Rove Uses White Boards To Conclusively Prove That Hillary Clinton Is In Terrible Health [VIDEO]

Via Mediaite: There is no credible evidence to back up the rumors circulating about Hillary Clinton‘s supposedly poor health, but Karl Rove had multiple white boards on hand to bolster his case that Clinton was indeed ill. Speaking to Megyn Kelly Tuesday evening, Rove presented Fox viewers with three white boards outlining a timeline of suspicious events — including Clinton’s …

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Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway: OK, He Does Hurl Personal Insults But They Started It [VIDEO]

Talking Points Memo reports: Donald Trump’s newly-minted campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, made clear Monday night that while she doesn’t support personal attacks, she thinks her boss was only hitting back when he accused the hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” of having an off-camera romance. After Trump took to Twitter to slam Mika Brzezinski as “neurotic” and call her the “very …

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Trump: Don’t Buy The Washington Post’s Boring Book That I Worked With Them For Months To Produce

The Hill reports: Donald Trump on Monday slammed the Washington Post reporters and researchers behind a new book about him, calling it a “hit job” made up of “inaccurate” stories. Trump over the past few months spent more than 20 hours speaking with the Post reporters working on the biography, “Trump Revealed: An American Journey of Ambition, Ego, Money, and …

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Ben Stein: Hillary Looks Like She Has Lupus [VIDEO]

Via Mediaite: Actor and economist Ben Stein may or may not be on the fence over Donald Trump, but during a Monday interview, he appeared to follow the example of the mogul’s campaign during his commentary on Hillary Clinton. Even though Clinton’s physician says her physical condition is fine, the Trump camp has been latching onto unproven theories over the …

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Trump Calls On Justice Department To Appoint Special Prosecutor To Investigate Clinton Foundation [VIDEO]

Via the USA Today: Seeking to make the Clinton Foundation a major election issue, Donald Trump said Monday that a special prosecutor should probe the financial dealings of the organization begun by ex-president Bill Clinton and current Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Trump told supporters at a rally in Akron, Ohio, that the Justice Department and FBI did a “whitewash” on …

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Roger Stone: Trump Should Release His Taxes [AUDIO]

Via Mediaite: Roger Stone is a ride-or-die fan of Donald Trump, but even he thinks the mogul should just release his tax returns already. The Hillary Clinton hater was on The Fernand Amandi Show on Miami’s 610 WIOD radio today and he just came out with it. “I think he should release his tax returns immediately,” he said, echoing Clinton’s …

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Trump Campaign Refuses To Comment On Racist And Anti-Muslim Social Media Posts Made By Staffers

The Associated Press reports: Donald Trump’s paid campaign staffers have declared on their personal social media accounts that Muslims are unfit to be U.S. citizens, mocked how Mexicans talk, called for Secretary of State John Kerry to be hanged and stated their readiness for a possible civil war, according to a review by The Associated Press of their postings. The …

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Trump’s 12 Year-Old Boy Wonder Is Very Trump-Like

Multiple outlets are buzzing today about the 12 year-old boy now running Trump’s campaign office in Denver. As it turns out, the kid is following in his hero’s footsteps in more ways than one. From a Guardian article posted just before the GOP convention: The Colorado delegation to the Republican national convention has long been one of the most vocal …

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FLORIDA: Republican US House Candidate Flips Out When Reporter Questions Donations [AUDIO]

Former Secret Service agent and GOP US House candidate Dan Bongino really doesn’t like it when reporters wonder why 94% his campaign donations have come from outside the district he’s running in. Politico reports: The dispute began on Twitter early in the day when Bongino bashed the Naples Daily News for writing “propaganda.” Asked by POLITICO reporter Marc Caputo about …

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Trump: Shut Down The Corrupt Clinton Foundation

Via press release from Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton is the defender of the corrupt and rigged status quo. The Clintons have spent decades as insiders lining their own pockets and taking care of donors instead of the American people. It is now clear that the Clinton Foundation is the most corrupt enterprise in political history. What they were doing during …

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