Tag Archives: Teabagistan

LIVE VIDEO: Opening Ceremonies At GOP Convention

The 2016 Republican National Convention will be gaveled to disorder at 1PM and the official GOP live-stream is below. According to the Los Angeles Times, the GOP’s smartphone app merely says “official schedule coming soon” so little is known at this writing on how things will kick off. But we can surely expect a speech from a hand-picked representative of …

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Trump’s Ghostwriter Regrets The Art Of The Deal: I Put Lipstick On A Pig Because Donald Trump Is A Sociopath

The New Yorker today reports that Tony Schwartz, who was Donald Trump’s ghostwriter for The Art Of The Deal, is ever so sorry about having taken the job. From their article: Schwartz thought about publishing an article describing his reservations about Trump, but he hesitated, knowing that, since he’d cashed in on the flattering “Art of the Deal,” his credibility …

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REPORT: Trump To Name Cabinet At Convention

Trump confidant Roger Stone, who is banned from CNN and MSNBC for his many racist posts on social media, told Breitbart this weekend that Trump will name his prospective cabinet choices at some point during the convention. But check out how Stone parses his words: “I think that Trump is going to name a prospective cabinet and there is of …

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Today’s GOP Convention Speakers: Willie Robertson, Scott Baio, Melania Trump, Antonio Sabato Jr.

The Republican Convention launches today in Cleveland and last night the GOP issued the full list of speakers: MONDAY Theme: Make America Safe Again Headliners: Trump’s wife, Melania; Lt. Gen. (ret.) Michael Flynn, U.S. Army; Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa; and Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Mont. Others: Willie Robertson, star of “Duck Dynasty”; former Texas Gov. Rick Perry; Marcus Luttrell, retired U.S. …

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United Airlines Suspends “Hang Hillary” Pilot

That was quick. Via Bloomberg: United Airlines suspended pilot and Republican West Virginia lawmaker Michael Folk from flying pending an investigation after he said Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should be executed. “This pilot has been removed from flying pending our investigation,” United Continental Holdings Inc. tweeted Sunday. “We are appalled by his threatening comments.” Folk, a member of the …

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WEST VIRGINIA: United Airlines Pilot/GOP Lawmaker Calls For Hillary Clinton To Be Hanged On DC’s Mall

From the Associated Press: A West Virginia Republican lawmaker said Sunday his comments made on Twitter calling for Democrat Hillary Clinton’s public execution weren’t meant to be taken literally. House of Delegates member Mike Folk said that his tweet Friday over Clinton’s use of a private email system while she served as secretary of state was “hyperbole.” In the tweet, …

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Lunatic Alex Jones: Karl Rove Called The Cops On Me When I Harassed Him At Cleveland’s Airport [VIDEO]

According to a video posted this afternoon by lunatic conspiracy nut Alex Jones, Fox News commentator Karl Rove called the cops on him for repeatedly confronting him after traveling on the same flight to Cleveland. Watch below. You don’t see any police in Jones’ video, but in Rove’s defense (ugh) anybody would call the cops in this situation.

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Seen At The GOP Convention

From the New York Daily News: This year’s RNC may be a grand old segregated party. Republican National Convention organizers are scrambling to replace signs labeling a bank of elevators the “white elevators.” The Jim Crow-esque signs were seen in Cleveland’s Quicken Loans Arena, where thousands of Republican delegates, politicians and supporters are expected to formally nominate bombastic businessman Donald Trump …

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Trump Campaign Solicits Illegal Foreign Donations

The Hill reports: Donald Trump’s campaign is still soliciting illegal donations from foreign individuals — including members of foreign governments at their official email addresses — weeks after the campaign was put on notice by watchdog groups. Foreign members of parliament from the United Kingdom and Australia confirmed to The Hill that they received fundraising solicitations from the Trump campaign …

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Trump Scrubs Website Of Ridiculed Logo

Well, that also took 24 hours. Raw Story reports: After a day of ridicule for a poorly designed Trump/Pence campaign logo that launched a thousand memes, the Trump campaign disappeared the design from their official website overnight. Following the Twitter announcement of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as businessman Donald Trump’s choice of a running mate should he still be given …

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New York Trump Campaign Chair Tells #NeverTrump Delegate She Should Be Hanged For Treason

From the Buffalo News: Carl P. Paladino – co-chairman of Donald Trump’s New York campaign – is still in the mood for a hanging. Stephani Williams, a Republican convention delegate from Utah who opposes Trump’s nomination for president, learned about the bombastic Buffalo businessman the same way many others have over the years: via email. “You should be hung for …

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Track Palin Pleads To Being Drunk With Firearm, Abuse Charges Dropped, Judge Appointed By His Mother

Alaska Dispatch News reports: Track Palin, the son of former Gov. Sarah Palin, has entered a plea agreement with the state in a special court for veterans after his January arrest for allegedly punching a woman in the face at the family’s Wasilla home. Kevin Fitzgerald, Track Palin’s attorney, said Friday his client had opted into Anchorage Veterans Court — …

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Ivanka Trump’s Rabbi Bails On GOP Convention, Was Supposed To Lead A Prayer Against Bigotry

And that makes three in one day. The New York Times reports: Yet another prominent person Donald J. Trump hoped would appear at the Republican National Convention has rebuffed his invitation, the latest sign of disarray in the campaign’s planning of an event that starts in just three days. Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, who heads the congregation that Mr. Trump’s daughter …

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Glenn Beck: God Would Punish Me For Voting Trump

“We have to do what we feel the Lord would want us to do. All I’m looking for now is to be seen in eyes of favor. Lord, I know who you are and I can’t imagine standing in front of you and saying, ‘But you don’t understand, you weren’t there.’ He was there. And I don’t want to say, …

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Trump Makes It Official: Mike Pence Is My Running Mate

Fox News reports: Donald Trump‘s presidential campaign officially announced Friday that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence will be Trump’s vice presidential pick. Pence is in New York meeting with senior advisers, the source said. Trump had originally planned to announce his running mate at an event Friday, but Trump postponed his announcement citing the deadly terror attacks in Nice, France. A …

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World Net Daily Predicts: Suicide And Mental Illness Rates Will Rise If Hillary Clinton Is Elected President

According to the far-right Christian site World Net Daily, if Hillary Clinton wins in November the United States will see a rise in suicide and mental illness rates. They write: David Kupelian, who is WND’s vice president and managing editor, wrote a viral column recently comparing Hillary Clinton to Nurse Ratched, the villain from “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” …

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Newt Gingrich Calls For Deportation Test Of Every American With “Muslim Background” [VIDEO]

Politico reports: Newt Gingrich, one of the final candidates vying to become Donald Trump’s running mate, called for testing “every person who is of a Muslim background” to determine whether they “believe in sharia” in response to Thursday’s attack in Nice, France. Hours after Donald Trump declared that the attack in Nice constituted “war” against France and the United States, …

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OBERGEFELL TO BLAME: Glenn Beck’s Bull Is Making Gay Sexytime With A Nearby Rancher’s Bull [VIDEO]

Hurricanes! Earthquakes! Same-sex bovine loving! Will the punishments for gay marriage never end? Kyle Mantyla reports at Right Wing Watch: Glenn Beck said that they had been forced to artificially inseminate many of the cows on his ranch because the bull that he owns has not been interested in mating with any of them and they couldn’t figure out why. …

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Donald Trump: Sarah Palin Isn’t Speaking At The GOP Convention Because Alaska Is “A Long Ways Away”

Seriously! Via Politico: Sarah Palin was asked to speak at next week’s Republican National Convention, but apparently the roughly 3,000-mile flight is too far for the former governor of Alaska to make the trip to Cleveland. “She was asked,” Donald Trump told the Washington Examiner in an interview Thursday. “It’s a little bit difficult because of where she is. We …

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Ann Coulter Has The Mike Pence Sadz: He’s A Combo Platter Of Disaster And A Sellout To Left Wing Activists

Just posted to Ann Coulter’s Facebook page: I won’t believe it, until I hear it from the Trump’s mouth. Pence is the combo-platter of disaster. He’s all in for corporate America bringing in as many guest workers as they please to replace American workers, tried to sell the monster amnesty as a “compromise bill.” (How about this compromise: We start …

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