Tag Archives: Teabagistan

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: Dallas Protesters Are “Hypocrites” For Running Away During Shooting

From the Dallas News: Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick called protesters who ran away from the hail of bullets that rained down on Downtown Dallas on Thursday night “hypocrites” during an interview Friday on Fox News. “All those protesters last night, they turned around and ran the other way expecting the men and women in blue to protect them. What hypocrites!” …

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NRA Praises Heroic Dallas Officers, Continues To Help Flood Nation With Millions Of Assault Weapons

“On behalf of the more than five million members of the National Rifle Association, and especially on behalf of our members from the law enforcement community, I want to express the deep anguish all of us feel for the heroic Dallas law enforcement officers who were killed and wounded, as well as to those who so bravely ran toward danger …

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Crackpot Alex Jones: George Soros Engineered The Dallas Attack As Part Of Marxist Overthrow Plot [VIDEO]

You knew this was coming. Via Right Wing Watch: InfoWars network host Alex Jones claimed today that liberal philanthropist George Soros engineered the murder of several law enforcement officers in Dallas as part of his nefarious plot to divide and destroy the U.S. Jones, an outspoken ally of Donald Trump, said that Soros is pushing for a “Marxist overthrow of …

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Former Tea Party Rep. Joe Walsh Tweets Threat Against President Obama: Real America Is Coming After You

CNN reports: Former Rep. Joe Walsh is under fire after deleting a tweet saying “This is now war” against President Barack Obama and Black Lives Matter protesters following the killing of Dallas police officers. “3 Dallas Cops killed, 7 wounded. This is now war. Watch out Obama. Watch out black lives matter punks. Real America is coming after you,” tweeted …

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Trump Vows To Defend Every Article Of The Constitution (Including The Ones That Don’t Actually Exist)

From the Washington Post: Donald Trump’s private meeting Thursday with Senate Republicans — designed to foster greater party unity ahead of the national convention in Cleveland — grew combative as the presumptive presidential nominee admonished three senators who have been critical of his candidacy and predicted they would lose their reelection bids, according to two Republican officials with direct knowledge …

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Ted Cruz Caves, Will Speak At GOP Convention

Yesterday a spokesman for Ted Cruz vehemently denied reports that Cruz was in negotiations with the Trump campaign to speak at the Republican Convention. But Cruz met privately with Trump this afternoon and is now singing a different tune: “We had a positive and productive meeting this morning with Donald Trump. Donald asked me to speak at the Republican convention, …

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Donald Trump And Ted Cruz Hold Private Meeting

The New York Times reports: Donald J. Trump sought to mend fissures within the Republican Party on Thursday, holding his first face-to-face meeting with Senator Ted Cruz since their contentious battle for the presidential nomination came to an ugly end filled with name calling and personal attacks. Mr. Trump huddled with Mr. Cruz and Reince Priebus around noon, according to …

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Trump Regrets Deleting Anti-Semitic Tweet [VIDEO]

Via Mediaite: Trump repeatedly shouted, of the Star of David, “it’s a star!” He echoed his own campaign surrogates by saying it looked like a sheriff’s star and said it’s the “dishonest” media that’s doing the profiling here. He went on and on about how “Clinton News Network” devoted a lot of coverage to the tweet and how it was …

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Trump Shrugs Off Veepstake Bailers: I’ve Got Ten Names And Some Of Them You Don’t Know About Yet

After Sen. Joni Ernst and Sen. Bob Corker furiously pedaled backwards away from Donald Trump today, the human Cheeto called into Fox News to declare that the media doesn’t even know about some of the ten people still on his shortlist. The Hill reports: “I’m actually looking at 10 people,” Trump said during an interview on Fox News with Kimberly …

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Sen. Joni Ernst Pulls Out Of Trump Veepstakes

Trump is too extreme even for famed hog-castrator Joni Ernst: The GOP senator met with Trump on Monday and received effusive praise afterward, with Trump predicting he will “see her again.” But it likely won’t be as his running mate. “I made that very clear to him that I’m focused on Iowa. I feel that I have a lot more …

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Teabagger House Rep Wants Sanctions Against Democrats For “Illegal” Gun Control Sit-In [VIDEO]

Rep. Tom McClintock, a member of the House Tea Party Caucus, wants Democrats sanctioned for their “illegal” sit-in in support of gun control. From the transcript of the clip below: “The Constitution provides that the House may sanction members for disorderly behavior and the members responsible for the events of June 22 and 23 must be called to account for …

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NORTH CAROLINA: Trump Flip-Flops On Anti-LGBT Hate Bill, Says “I’m Going With The State” [VIDEO]

Back in April, Donald Trump surprised everybody on the right and the left when he denounced North Carolina’s HB2. His quote from that day: “North Carolina did something that was very strong and they’re paying a big price. And there’s a lot of problems. Leave it the way it is. North Carolina, what they’re going through, with all of the …

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Rep. Darrell Issa: Hillary Clinton Will Pardon Herself For Her Criminal Enterprise On Her First Day As President

“We are in a crisis because Hillary Clinton, if the voters do not stop her, will be the next President of the United States. She will, in fact, on Day One say, ‘Pardon me,’ and she’ll mean it. She’ll have pardoned herself. She will have, in fact, gone from being a criminal involved in a criminal enterprise — obviously, Clinton …

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House Republicans Summon FBI Director James Comey To Testify On Decision Not To Charge Hillary

From Talking Points Memo: Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), the chair of the House Oversight Committee, has asked FBI Director James Comey to testify before the committee on Thursday to explain his decision not to recommend charges against Hillary Clinton over her use of email servers. Chaffetz told Fox News Wednesday morning that he spoke to Comey over the phone and …

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Drudge Poll: Newt Gingrich Should Be Trump’s VP

As Breitbart did yesterday, the Drudge Report has launched a reader poll on Donald Trump’s running mate. At this writing Newt Gingrich is leading the 372,000 responses at 41%, with Sen. Joni Ernst in second place with 31%. Unlike the Breitbart poll, which provided 15 choices, Drudge only gave his readers six options: Gingrich, Ernst, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, …

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Trump: Hillary Bribed AG Loretta Lynch [VIDEO]

Via Mediaite: At a rally in Raleigh, N.C. Tuesday night Donald Trump accused Attorney General Loretta Lynch of essentially accepting a bribe to bury the email investigation. Trump was responding to reports that Hillary Clinton was possibly considering appointing Lynch as her own A.G. “That’s like a bribe, isn’t it? Isn’t that sort of a bribe?” Trump asked. “I think …

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BECAUSE OF COURSE: GOP House Reps Call For Independent Investigation Into Hillary’s Email Server

From the Washington Post: Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio) became the first Republican to call for a new, independent investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of email during her years at the State Department, saying in a statement that the defunct independent counsel statute should be revived to “make an independent and impartial decision” about whether Clinton should be charged. “The investigation …

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MASSACHUSETTS: GOP State Senate Candidate Cheers Donald Trump For “Putting Faggots In Their Place”

Wicked Local Action reports: State Sen. Jamie Eldridge, D-Acton, said Republican challenger Ted Busiek of Littleton should apologize and consider dropping out of the race after a remark Busiek made on Twitter July 2. Referring to a short video clip of Donald Trump parrying with Congress about federal tribal gaming policy, long before Trump’s successful bid for the Republican presidential …

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INDIANA: Totally Not Racist Trump Supporters Celebrate America With “Lying African” Obama Float

Via Raw Story: While many were celebrating the birth of the United States of America and honoring veterans, a float supporting Donald Trump’s campaign for president appeared in a Sheridan, Indiana Independence Day parade calling President Barack Obama a “lying African.” A photo posted to Facebook shows the golf cart-like vehicle decorated with Trump presidential campaign signs and American flags. …

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Sarah Palin Attacks #NeverTrump Traitors For Helping Hillary “Snuff Liberty’s Life Out Of We The People”

Sarah Palin has rushed to attack the #NeverTrump crowd after today’s news from the FBI. She writes: GOP ‪#‎NEVERTRUMP‬ TRAITORS – HILLARY DELIGHTS IN YOU, FOR SHE CAN’T WIN WITHOUT YOU Ironic, tragic, but not unexpected – amidst America’s Independence Day celebrations the Ruling Class put another boot on our neck to snuff liberty’s life out of We the People. …

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