Tag Archives: trans issues

Activists Chase NOM’s Hate Bus Out Of Connecticut

NOM’s anti-trans hate bus tour across the northeast is continuing. Yesterday’s visit to New Haven, Connecticut concluded rather amusingly. From the New Haven Independent: Police arrived at the scene, expecting to find protesters, according to Assistant Chief Otoniel Reyes, who oversees patrol. Instead, they saw only the bus. The driver asked the cops for an escort to the highway so …

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VIRAL VIDEO: Touching Ad For Vicks Tells True Story Of Orphaned Indian Girl Adopted By Transgender Woman

Creativity reports: Procter & Gamble brand Vicks centers an emotive new Asian campaign around a mother and her adopted daughter — but it’s not until later on in the spot we discover the whole story. Created by Publicis Singapore predominantly for the Indian market, the ad is narrated by the daughter, Gayatri, who describes how was orphaned and then adopted. …

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NORTH CAROLINA: Gov. Roy Cooper Signs “Fake” HB2 Repeal Despite Veto Calls From ACLU, LGBT Groups

The Charlotte Observer reports: The General Assembly on Thursday approved a compromise bill that repeals House Bill 2 but restricts anti-discrimination ordinances in cities and counties. Gov. Roy Cooper signed the measure into law. The Democratic governor negotiated the compromise with the Republican leaders of the legislature, House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate leader Phil Berger. “It was a very …

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BOSTON: Mayor Marty Walsh Raises Trans Pride Flag Over City Hall As Middle Finger To NOM’s Hate Bus

Patch reports: Boston is responding to the arrival of the anti-transgender “Free Speech Bus” by raising a transgender flag at City Hall in an act of solidarity. Mayor Marty Walsh had the flag raised around 1 p.m. after saying “we are always going to support our transgender community and defend their fundamental rights.” The “Free Speech Bus” rolled into town …

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BREAKING: NC House Approves “Compromise” HB2 Repeal, Bill Now Goes To Dem Gov. Roy Cooper

The Raleigh News & Observer reports: The General Assembly on Thursday approved a compromise bill that repeals House Bill 2 but restricts anti-discrimination ordinances in cities and counties. The bill now goes to the governor for his signature. Opposition and support for the bill did not fall along party lines in the 32-16 Senate vote. Several Triangle Democrats banded together …

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LIVE VIDEO: NC House Debates HB2 Repeal

Earlier today the North Carolina Senate voted 32-16 for a “compromise” repeal of HB2 that has angered both LGBT activists and hate groups. The Charlotte Observer is now live-streaming the debate in the state House on their Facebook page. Watch it here. UPDATE: More from the Observer. Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper said in a statement overnight that he supported the …

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ARKANSAS: Bathroom Bill Dead For Current Session

The Associated Press reports: An Arkansas lawmaker dropped her proposal Wednesday prohibiting individuals from using bathrooms in government buildings that do not match their gender at birth after the legislation had faced opposition from the state’s Republican governor and tourism groups. GOP Sen. Linda Collins-Smith withdrew her proposal, which would have required every restroom or changing facility accessible by multiple …

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NORTH CAROLINA: “Compromise” HB2 Repeal Passes Senate In 32-16 Vote, Bill Now Moves To House

ABC News reports: A controversial compromise bill that would replace HB2 has cleared its second hurdle and is now on its way to the North Carolina House. HB142 passed its second reading in the Senate 32 to 16, meanwhile, it remains unclear if the compromise bill will pass in the House. “This law does not repeal HB2, it doubles down …

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NORTH CAROLINA: LGBT Activists Loudly Object To Compromise HB2 Repeal That Could Happen Today

The Charlotte Observer reports: North Carolina lawmakers could repeal House Bill 2 on Thursday under a deal struck late Wednesday night by Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper and Republican legislative leaders. Senate leader Phil Berger announced the deal shortly after 10:30 p.m. The announcement capped days of marathon, often contentious negotiations and closed-door meetings. Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore took …

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TEXAS: Pastors Present “Texas Toilet Seat Award” To Ten Senators For Opposing Bathroom Bill [VIDEO]

From the right wing Empower Texas: Opening up the press conference-style award ceremony was Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Pastor F.N. Williams, who said, “I never thought in my lifetime, that I would have to stand up, speak out, and even become the plaintiff in a lawsuit against our mayor to protect women and girls when they are using their restrooms, …

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TEXAS: GOP House Speaker Blocks Bathroom Bill

The Austin Statesman reports: Flexing his parliamentary muscle and flashing his antipathy to efforts to regulate the use of bathrooms by transgender people, House Speaker Joe Straus prevented amendments on the matter from reaching the House floor on Tuesday. In a showdown with his most socially conservative members, Speaker Joe Straus ended debate on a bill about the fate of …

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MONTANA: Hate Group Vows Ballot Initiative After House Judiciary Panel Votes Down Bathroom Bill

Montana Public Radio reports: A Montana legislative panel has rejected a bill that called for a statewide vote on whether to bar transgender people from using bathrooms and locker rooms that don’t match their gender at birth. The House Judiciary Committee voted 11-7 against the bill today. It is likely dead, though it could be revived if enough votes flip …

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Associated Press Analysis: North Carolina’s “Bathroom Bill” Will Cost State $3.7B Over The Next Decade

The Associated Press reports: Despite Republican assurances that North Carolina’s “bathroom bill” isn’t hurting the economy, the law limiting LGBT protections will cost the state more than $3.76 billion in lost business over a dozen years, according to an Associated Press analysis. Over the past year, North Carolina has suffered financial hits ranging from scuttled plans for a PayPal facility …

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TENNESSEE: University Fires NPR Journalist After GOP Lawmakers Complain About Anti-Trans Bill Reporting

The Chattanooga Times Free Press reports: The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga fired a reporter this week at WUTC, the National Public Radio affiliate, after local lawmakers complained about how she reported on the transgender bathroom bill. Jacqui Helbert, 32, reported and produced the story for WUTC, which followed a group of Cleveland High School students as they traveled to …

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Vandals Hit NOM’s Anti-Trans Hate Bus

USA Today reports: A bus spreading a message against transgender culture was vandalized near United Nations headquarters early Thursday evening while it was parked, according to the head of one of the three groups organizing the bus tour. The “Free Speech Bus,” as it is called by organizers, was parked near the UN for a scheduled event when two people …

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TENNESSEE: Bathroom Bill Dies In State Senate

The Tennessean reports: The bathroom bill, at least for this session, is dead in the Senate. Reintroduced by Sen. Mae Beavers [photo], the controversial bill, which would have required students in public schools to use the bathroom corresponding with the sex listed on their birth certificate, failed to receive a proper motion from the members the Senate Education Committee on …

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NOT TODAY MOTHERFUCKERS: Seattle Woman Blasts Anti-Trans Hate Group For Exploiting Her Sexual Assault

The Daily Beast reports: “Not today motherf**ker!” That’s what Kelly Herron says she kept screaming while fighting off the man who allegedly assaulted her in a public restroom at a Seattle park during an afternoon run on Sunday, March 5. Now the 36-year-old marathon runner has revived that phrase—her “battle cry,” as she calls it—to slam an anti-transgender group in …

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TEXAS: State Senate Passes Anti-Transgender Hate Bill, Passage Uncertain In GOP-Dominated State House

The Houston Chronicle reports: The state Senate on Wednesday gave final approval to the so-called “bathroom bill,” sending a message that the upper chamber of one of the nation’s largest states supports redefining which public bathrooms can be used by trangender persons. The measure passed on final reading by a vote of 21-10. That’s the same margin by which the …

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Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Meets With LGBT Rights Groups Over Transgender Student Rights

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos today met with three LGBT rights groups to discuss the Trump administration’s revocation of Obama’s guidelines on transgender student protections. Chris Johnson reports at the Washington Blade: Stephanie White, executive director of Equality Michigan, said her organization sought out the meeting to convey the “profound negative consequences” of the withdrawal of the guidance protecting transgender students. …

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TEXAS: Senate Panel Advances Anti-Transgender Bill

The Texas Tribune reports: After 13-plus hours of emotional testimony, largely in opposition, the Senate State Affairs Committee voted Wednesday to advance the so-called Texas “bathroom bill” to the full chamber. The vote was 7-1; Sen. Judith Zaffirini voted against, and Sen. Charles Schwertner was not present at the meeting but asked to be shown as voting yes. The vote …

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