Tag Archives: trans issues

LIVE VIDEO: Texas Senate Hears “Bathroom Bill” Testimony From Haters And Civil Rights Groups

The Texas Tribune reports: Texas senators are expected to take up the so-called bathroom bill on Tuesday, opening up the possibility that the controversial measure could clear its first hurdle in the upper chamber. The Senate State Affairs Committee will debate Senate Bill 6, a legislative priority of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, that would require transgender people to use bathrooms …

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NORTH CAROLINA: Justice Department Quietly Moves To Drop Federal Opposition To Anti-LGBT Hate Law

The Charlotte Observer reports: The Trump administration is taking steps to drop the federal government’s legal fight against House Bill 2. The Justice Department wrote in a motion last week that it needs time to rethink its 2016 request to halt North Carolina’s requirement that transgender people use restrooms in many public buildings corresponding to the sex on their birth …

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BREAKING: SCOTUS Scraps Transgender Rights Case, Sends It Back To Fourth Circuit Court Of Appeals

The New York Times reports: The Supreme Court announced on Monday that it would not hear a major case on transgender rights after all, acting after the Trump administration changed the federal government’s position on whether public schools had to allow transgender youths to use bathrooms that matched their gender identities. In a one-sentence order, the Supreme Court vacated an …

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What’s Really Behind All The Anti-Trans Bills [VIDEO]

Activist vlogger Matt Baume did the research and you’ll be shocked to learn the vast majority of anti-trans bills are being sponsored by Republicans up for reelection. Clip description: What’s the REAL reason for “bathroom bans”? Those are laws that prevent transgender people from using the bathroom unless it matches their birth certificate. The politicians pushing them claim that they …

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Lawyers For Trans Plaintiff Gavin Grimm Urge SCOTUS To Hear Case Despite Trump’s Action [VIDEO]

CNN reports: Lawyers for Gavin Grimm, a transgender teen who is barred from using the boys’ bathroom at his Virginia high school, told the Supreme Court Thursday that his challenge to the school board policy should go forward, arguing that the restrooms “must be equally available to all boys and all girls, including boys and girls who are transgender.” The …

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At The Stonewall Transgender Rights Protest [VIDEO]

Mic.com reports: Thousands of demonstrators gathered in front of Stonewall Inn Thursday night to protest President Donald Trump rolling back protections for transgender Americans. In the description of the Facebook event for their protest, Rally organizers said they wanted to “make it clear that we will fight to keep protections for Trans and gender non-conforming people and students.” Doing so, …

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Caitlyn Jenner To Trump: This Is A Disaster [VIDEO]

The Washington Post reports: As both a transgender person and a longtime Republican, Caitlyn Jenner felt compelled to speak out on the Trump administration’s decision Wednesday to revoke federal guidelines specifying that transgender students had the right to use public school restrooms that matched their gender identity. In a video posted to social media Thursday, the former Olympic decathlon champion …

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Betsy DeVos At CPAC: Obama’s Trans Protections Were “Very Huge Example” Of Federal Overreach [VIDEO]

The Hill reports: New Education Secretary Betsy DeVos defended the Trump administration’s decision to rescind protections for transgender students, arguing that the protections were an “overreach” of the Obama administration. “This issue was a very huge example of the Obama administration’s overreach, to suggest one-size-fits-all, federal government approach,” DeVos said on Thursday at the conservative conference CPAC. DeVos was initially …

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TODAY: Transgender Rights Protest At Stonewall Inn

In reaction to the Trump administration rescinding transgender student rights, dozens of LGBT rights and progressive groups will be leading a protest rally this afternoon outside the Stonewall Inn in downtown Manhattan. The rally is cosponsored by the New York City Council, GLSEN, GLAAD, and Lambda Legal. The event begins at 5:30PM and its Facebook page is here.

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Hate Groups Celebrate Trump’s Anti-Trans Action

From the Family Research Council: The Trump administration’s reversal of this mandate on schools is a victory for parents, children, and privacy. The Obama administration resorted to this coercive policy because they knew parents and schools could never be persuaded to force boys and girls to shower together, stay together on school trips, and use the same locker rooms and …

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BREAKING: Trump Rescinds Transgender Student Rights

The New York Times reports: President Trump rescinded protections for transgender students that had allowed them to use bathrooms of their gender identity, overruling his own education secretary and placing his administration firmly in the middle of the culture wars that many Republicans have tried to leave behind. In a joint letter, the top civil rights officials from the Justice …

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LEAKED: Draft Document Lays Out Reasoning For Trump Administration To Rescind Trans Student Rights

Law Newz reports: There is now a draft copy of a document circulating that shows the potential Trump administration reasoning for backing off the Obama policy regarding transgender bathroom use. The Obama administration’s contends that Title IX prohibits the discrimination on the “basis of sex” to include a requirement that facilities provide people access to bathrooms based on the sex …

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LIVE VIDEO: White House Press Briefing

Today’s likely topics: Bomb threats at Jewish community centers. Deportation orders. The transgender students order. NBC News reports: White House spokesman Sean Spicer will likely face another day of questions about the Trump administration’s immigration enforcement plans at his daily press briefing Wednesday afternoon. The Department of Homeland Security issued memos on Tuesday about how to enforce the immigration executive …

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REPORT: Trump Backed Jeff Sessions On Rescinding Trans Student Protections After Betsy DeVos Objected

The New York Times reports: A fight over a draft order that would rescind protections for transgender students in public schools has erupted inside the Trump administration, pitting Attorney General Jeff Sessions against the secretary of education, Betsy DeVos. Ms. DeVos initially resisted signing off on the order and told President Trump that she was uncomfortable with it, according to …

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TEXAS: Activists Plan “Queer Dance Freakout” At Governor’s Mansion To Protest State’s “Bathroom Bill”

The Austin Statesman reports: Hundreds of people have signed up to protest outside the Texas governor’s mansion on Thursday against bills that they say threaten the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. Their resistance of choice? Dancing. The mansion is “a Greek revival building and is the oldest continuously occupied home in Austin,” said Jeremy von Stilb, an …

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Sean Spicer: Trump Believes That Transgender Student Rights Should Be Left Up To The States [VIDEO]

Politico reports: White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Tuesday that the Trump administration will be issuing “further guidance” on a former Obama directive aimed at protecting the rights of transgender students. “The president has maintained for a long time that this is a states’ rights issue and not one for the federal government,” Spicer said. “So while we have …

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REPORT: Trump Administration Set To Rescind Obama’s Directive To Schools On Anti-Trans Discrimination

Chris Johnson reports at the Washington Blade: Despite pleas from parents of transgender children and LGBT employees, the Trump administration is set Tuesday to rescind Obama-era guidance to schools barring discrimination against transgender students and ensuring they have access to the restroom consistent with their gender identity. Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, told the …

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TEXAS: ACLU Launches “I Pee With LGBT” Campaign In Opposition To Pending “Bathroom Bill” [VIDEO]

The Austin Statesman reports: A web-based ad, shot by Austin film director Richard Linklater, uses humor to attack arguments that the transgender bathroom bill is needed to protect privacy. The digital ad, which will appear in targeted buys on Facebook, includes a diverse cast — including two transgender Texans — to argue that Senate Bill 6 is about discrimination, not …

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Larry Wilmore Tells Vile Homocon Milo To “Go Fuck Yourself” After Anti-Trans Rant On Maher Show [VIDEO]

The New York Daily News reports: He couldn’t take it anymore. Comedian Larry Wilmore became visibly angry, but remained composed, after alt-right figurehead Milo Yiannopoulos went on a five-minute rant against transgender people during Bill Maher’s “Overtime” on Friday night. But when Yiannopoulos called a decorated counterterrorism official on the late night show’s panel “stupid,” Wilmore couldn’t hold himself back …

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NBA Joins NFL In Warning Texas: Drop That “Bathroom Bill” If You Want To Host Another All-Star Game

The Dallas Morning News reports: Put the NBA on the growing list of sports organizations warning Texas over its proposed transgender bathroom bill. In a statement to the Houston Chronicle last week, Spokesman Mike Bass said the NBA weighs a number of factors before choosing where to hold major events, including how fans and athletes will be treated. “We consider …

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