Tag Archives: trans issues

NEW CONFEDERACY: NAACP Calls For Nationwide Boycott Of North Carolina After Failure To Repeal HB2

Raleigh’s NBC affiliate reports: The executive committee of the state NAACP will ask the national leaders of the civil rights group for a nationwide economic boycott of North Carolina to protest the actions of the General Assembly, state NAACP President Rev. William Barber said Thursday. “This legislature is trying to raise a new Confederacy in policy,” Barber said at a …

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NORTH CAROLINA: Civil Rights Groups Blast Republican Betrayal On Plan To Repeal Anti-LGBT Hate Law [VIDEO]

Via joint press release from Lambda Legal and the ACLU: Based on a promise from the General Assembly to fully repeal H.B. 2, the Charlotte City Council repealed their LGBT non-discrimination ordinances earlier this week. However, the Legislature failed to follow through on their promise, despite the deep and widespread opposition and outrage over the discriminatory nature of the law. …

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LIVE VIDEO: North Carolina House Begins Possible Final Debate On Repeal Of Anti-LGBT Hate Law

After spending much of the day in recess, the North Carolina House has just gone back into session where at this writing a GOP rep is denouncing HB2 opponents as the “lunatic left” and the “California crowd.” Here are the links for live audio and live video. At this point, nobody appears to be holding their breath that any full …

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NORTH CAROLINA: GOP Senate Intro’s Bill That Would Repeal HB2 But Block New Local LGBT Rights Laws

The Associated Press reports: Perhaps North Carolina’s most influential politician is introducing legislation to repeal a state law that has cost the state jobs and millions of dollars. State Senate leader Phil Berger is the primary sponsor of legislation filed Wednesday that would repeal the law passed in March dictating which bathroom transgender people must use and limiting LGBT protections. …

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NORTH CAROLINA: Lt. Governor Opposes Hate Law Repeal Because LGBTs Will Just Keep Asking For Rights

“Charlotte repealed an ordinance that the General Assembly already voided months ago. I support HB 2 and do not favor its repeal. No economic, political or ideological pressure can convince me that what is wrong is right. It will always be wrong for men to have access to women’s showers and bathrooms. If HB 2 is repealed, there will be …

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NORTH CAROLINA: Both Chambers Recess For Lunch With No Repeal Bill Filed For Anti-LGBT Hate Law

But we still may see some action very shortly. Here’s how things got started this morning: The session began with a packed House gallery and attempts by some Republican lawmakers to short-circuit it. Rep. Jeff Collins of Nash County rose to declare the session unconstitutional and decried the “extraordinary hubris” of Charlotte City Council in prompting it. Two other members …

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NORTH CAROLINA: Gov. Pat McCrory Calls For Special Session To Repeal Anti-LGBT Hate Law [VIDEO]

The Charlotte Observer reports: Following a surprise move by Charlotte City Council on Monday, Republican Gov. Pat McCrory has called for a special session Wednesday to consider repeal of House Bill 2. The governor’s statement came in a series of rapidly unfolding events that could signal an end to the nine-month drama that has catapulted North Carolina into national headlines. …

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Pat McCrory: Charlotte’s LGBT Rights Repeal Proves The Issue Was Invented To Cost Me My Governorship

Via press release: “Governor McCrory has always publicly advocated a repeal of the overreaching Charlotte ordinance. But those efforts were always blocked by Jennifer Roberts, Roy Cooper and other Democratic activists,” said Graham Wilson, Press Secretary. “This sudden reversal with little notice after the gubernatorial election sadly proves this entire issue originated by the political left was all about politics …

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VIRAL VIDEO: Heartwarming Danish Holiday Ad Shows Father Accepting His Transgender Daughter

Raw Story reports: A new commercial from Denmark contains a heartwarming message for the holidays about acceptance and the power of familiar love. HelloGiggles.com said that the ad is for electronics company Elgiganten and is called “Let the gifts speak.” It begins with a family at Christmas opening presents. One member of the family, a teenaged trans daughter looks uncomfortable …

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NORTH CAROLINA: San Francisco Symphony Cancels Two Concerts Over State’s Anti-LGBT Hate Law

The New York Times reports: The San Francisco Symphony announced on Monday that it had canceled a pair of April concerts in North Carolina to protest the new state law curbing anti-discrimination protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. The orchestra joins a growing list of luminaries who have shunned the state: rockers such as Bruce Springsteen and Ringo …

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REPORT: Trump “Definitely” To Hire Pat McCrory

Virtually all of Trump’s prominent hires have been loudly anti-LGBT, so this isn’t surprising. The Charlotte Observer reports: Outgoing North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory “definitely” has a place in a new Trump administration, a source close to Donald Trump’s transition told the Charlotte Observer Tuesday. “They’re definitely going to take care of him,” said the source, who asked not to …

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MCCRORY FALLOUT: Kentucky Governor Now Says He Won’t Push For Anti-Transgender “Bathroom Law”

The Associated Press reports: Kentucky’s Republican governor says he will not use the state’s new GOP majority to push through a bill restricting transgender bathroom use. Matt Bevin held a news conference Friday to discuss his first year in office and look ahead to the 2017 legislative session, where Republicans will hold super majorities in both chambers for the first …

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FINALLY. Raleigh’s CBS affiliate reports: North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory has conceded to Attorney General Roy Cooper in the state’s gubernatorial race. McCrory released a video Monday where he congratulated Roy Cooper in his win. “I personally believe that the majority of our citizens have spoken,” McCrory says in the video. “And we now should do everything we can to …

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OAKLAND: Fire Officials Name Trans Musician Among Blaze Victims, Other LGBT Artists And Fans Feared Dead

Oakland fire officials have begun identifying some of the victims in Friday’s warehouse disaster. Erin Rook reports at LGBTQ Nation: Transgender musician Cash Askew, 22, of dream-pop band Them Are Us Too was one of 11 victims identified by authorities as of Monday morning. According to Scout Wolfcave, founder of the Trans Assistance Project, two other trans women are also …

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Secretary Of State John Kerry Reaffirms Support For Trans Rights On Transgender Day Of Remembrance

Don’t expect to see anything like this next year. Via press release from Secretary of State John Kerry: On Transgender Day of Remembrance, the United States solemnly honors the memory of the many transgender individuals who lost their lives to senseless acts of violence. Transgender persons around the world are targeted by rising levels of violence fueled by hatred and …

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NORTH CAROLINA: Gov. Pat McCrory Now Contesting Results In 52 Counties, Alleges Dead And Felon Voters

The Charlotte Observer reports: Gov. Pat McCrory’s campaign announced late Thursday that 50 more election complaints have been filed – bringing the total number of counties with contested election results to 52 of the state’s 100 counties, including Mecklenburg. The latest complaints say ballots were cast by people who were dead, were convicted felons or had already voted. “With each …

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Target Stock Soars On Latest Earnings Report

Remember loony Janet Porter’s plot to disrupt Target’s back-to-school sales? Oops. Via Fortune: The discount retailer’s shares rose 9% in pre-market trading on Wednesday after it reported a much smaller than expected decline in comparable sales and posted strong e-commerce growth. As a result, Target has raised its full year profit and sales forecast. The retailer’s strong third-quarter performance is …

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NORTH CAROLINA: State GOP Calls For Recount, Gov. Pat McCrory Accuses Election Officials Of “Malfeasance”

The Raleigh News & Observer reports: Gov. Pat McCrory, trailing in a close race for re-election behind Attorney General Roy Cooper, claims there was “malfeasance” in tabulating votes in Durham County and “irregularities” reported around the state. Cooper’s campaign said nothing improper happened in Durham, and accused McCrory of trying to undermine the election. A formal protest filed Saturday with …

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Bill Donohue: Macy’s Employees Should Call In Sick On Thanksgiving To Protest Their Anti-Catholic Bosses

From a press release published today by Christian Newswire: Macy’s is in trouble not only for unleashing its Thought Police against innocent workers, it is hurting financially. Despite being pounded by Catholics, the mega-department store continues to stand by its decision to fire an Hispanic Catholic store detective for simply disagreeing with its policy of allowing cross-dressing men to use …

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NORTH CAROLINA: State GOP To Deploy “Dozens Of Lawyers” To Challenge Validity Of Votes For Cooper

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory is furious that Roy Cooper has claimed victory before elections officials have called the race. Via Raw Story: “Claiming an outcome before the process has concluded is irresponsible and disrespectful to the voters of North Carolina whose voices have yet to be heard,” McCrory campaign strategist Chris LaCivita said in a statement. The campaign and …

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