Tag Archives: trans issues

Tony Perkins Has The Trans Military Sadz

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins: Just two days removed from the second major terror attack in two weeks, the Pentagon has an announcement. No, it isn’t about the United States’ new plans to fight ISIS in the wake of Orlando and Istanbul. Nor is to reassure the American people that their military is stepping up its …

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NBA Slams North Carolina’s Attempt To Fix Hate Law

Earlier this week LGBT activists denounced the attempt by North Carolina Republicans to “refine” the anti-transgender section of HB2. This afternoon the NBA and the Charlotte Hornets joined in. Their message: “We have been engaged in dialogue with numerous groups at the city and state levels, but we do not endorse the version of the bill that we understand is …

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BREAKING: Defense Secretary Ash Carter Announces US Military’s End To Transgender Service Ban

Via press release from OutServe-SLDN: Today Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced the recommendations from the working group formed last summer on the lifting of the ban on open transgender service. This announcement includes recommendations, plans and timeline to when transgender service members will fully be able to serve openly and authentically. OutServe-SLDN Executive Director Matt Thorn issued the following …

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Laura Ingraham On How To Avoid Transgender People: Everybody Should Wear Adult Diapers [AUDIO]

“Oh we have a new transgender update for you as well. Oh no new transgender news for all of you who are bathroom-goers and public — you use public restrooms? I think a lot of people are going to be walking around with just Depends on from now on. They’re just not going to use the bathroom. Adult diapers, diapers …

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UTAH: Trans Woman Wins US Senate Primary

The Salt Lake Tribune reports: Utah voters picked a historic, and largely unknown, Democratic candidate to challenge Sen. Mike Lee this November. Misty K. Snow is the first transgender nominee from a major party to run for a U.S. Senate seat and she shares the distinction of being the first transgender person to run for Congress. Misty Plowright, a transgender woman, …

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NORTH CAROLINA: State House GOP Seeks To “Refine” Anti-Trans Hate Bill, Activists Leap To Denounce

From the Charlotte Observer: New legislation drafted by leadership in the N.C. House of Representatives seeks to walk back portions of a controversial bill passed during a special session this spring restricting the rights of transgender individuals to use the bathroom of their gender identity. Among the draft bill’s biggest changes is the creation of an official document that would …

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Pentagon To Lift Transgender Service Ban July 1st

USA Today reports: The Pentagon plans to announce the repeal of its ban on transgender service members July 1, a controversial decision that would end nearly a year of internal wrangling among the services on how to allow those troops to serve openly, according to Defense officials. Top personnel officials plan to meet as early as Monday to finalize details …

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PHILADELPHIA: Public School System Adopts Sweeping Pro-Transgender Student Rights Policy

Morning Call reports: The governing body of Philadelphia public schools has adopted a new policy that would allow transgender students to use restrooms and join groups — including athletic teams — that correspond with their gender identity. The Philadelphia School Reform Commission adopted the new policy Thursday night. It also allows students to be referred to by a pronoun of …

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Homocon Richard Grenell Exploits Trans Women To Attack Gavin Newsom On Gun Control [VIDEO]

From the Desert Sun: Richard Grenell, a Palm Springs resident, Trump delegate and Fox News contributor, is behind a series of ads this week targeting Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s gun-control measure that’s expected to land on the November ballot. The ads were created by a new group calling itself the Coalition for Civil Liberties and are unique in who they …

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BREAKING: Fourth Circuit Court Lifts Stay On Order Granting Transgender Student Restroom Rights

A three-judge panel from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals just denied the stay motion filed Wednesday by Virginia’s Gloucester County School Board, which seeks to thwart the federal mandate on transgender student rights. That filing two days ago had triggered an automatic stay on the pro-trans April order while the Court considered their demand. The vote today was 2-1. …

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ILLINOIS: Bomb Damages Target Ladies Room, Police Investigate Connection To Trans Policy [VIDEO]

Chicago’s WGN-TV reports: A small bomb exploded in the women’s bathroom at a Target store in Evanston on Wednesday, and officials are investigating whether it’s connected to the company’s policy allowing transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice. Commander Joe Dugan says no one was inside the bathroom when the small explosion happened a little after 4 o’clock. …

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White House Issues Track Record On LGBT Rights: DOMA, DADT, Hate Crimes Law, HIV/AIDS, And More

The White House today issued a lengthy recounting of the many, many advances in LGBT rights seen during the Obama administration. The “fact sheet” – which I’ve posted in its entirety below – serves both as a very well-earned bragging point and as a stark reminder of how tenuous many of these advances remain with the specter of a Republican …

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NYC Launches Pro-Trans Ad Campaign So Of Course Todd Starnes Flips Out On Fox News [VIDEO]

ABC News reports on the ads: New York City launched a new campaign on Monday, affirming every New Yorkers’ right to use the bathroom consistent with their gender identity. “No one deserves to be denied access to bathrooms or discriminated against for being who they are. Every New Yorker has the legal right to use the bathroom consistent with their …

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CALIFORNIA: Target Stands Firm After Haters Ambush Shareholders Meeting Over Support For LGBT Rights

Just as they did at PepsiCo’s shareholders meeting in North Carolina last month and at Walmart’s shareholders meeting in Arkansas last week, anti-LGBT activists from the National Center for Public Policy Research ambushed Target executives at yesterday’s annual shareholders meeting in Costa Mesa, California. A spokesman for the group confronted Target’s board of directors, demanding to know if they had …

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National Enquirer: Richard Simmons Has Transitioned

From the National Enquirer: After nearly 1,000 days in hiding and a sudden hospitalization, The National ENQUIRER can now reveal the bombshell reason why Richard Simmons is no longer the man his fans used to know: He’s changed into a woman! In an explosive world exclusive, The ENQUIRER can now reveal jaw-dropping never-before-seen photos of Simmons draped in furs and …

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BREAKING: Fourth Circuit Court Stays Pro-Transgender Rights Ruling Pending Possible Review By SCOTUS

NOTE: An important clarification is below. Earlier: That was amazingly fast. Patch.com reports: A stay has been issued in the case of a Virginia school’s transgender bathroom policy, meaning the case will go before the Supreme Court of the United States, according to a report. The Gloucester County School Board passed a policy restricting students to restrooms reflecting their “biological …

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VIRGINIA: Haters Take Trans Case To SCOTUS

Last month the Fourth Circuit Court refused to revisit its ruling, so we knew this was coming. Chris Geidner reports at Buzzfeed: A case challenging the Obama administration’s interpretation of existing civil rights laws as providing protections from discrimination for transgender people will be headed to the Supreme Court this summer. Because the court is soon recessing for the summer, …

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Janet Porter Flops With “Nationwide” Target Protests

Anti-LGBT activist Janet Porter flopped with ReaganBook, she flopped in her bid for the Ohio Senate, and this weekend she flopped again as it appears that only a handful of Target stores saw protesters for her “nationwide” event on Saturday. At this writing I’m only finding news accounts of protests at three of Target’s 1782 locations. Two of those protests …

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Pat McCrory: I’m Not Budging On Anti-LGBT Hate Law

From the Winston-Salem Journal: Gov. Pat McCrory said he will continue to fight for a “respect for privacy” in the face of a U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit over the state’s controversial “bathroom bill.” McCrory was speaking at North Carolinians for Home Education’s annual conference, being held this week at the Benton Convention Center. McCrory praised the several hundred families …

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CANADA: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Raises Pride Flag On Parliament Hill For First Time [VIDEO]

With a big shout-out to trans rights! The Star reports: The Pride flag flew on Parliament Hill on Wednesday in a historic all-party show of support to mark the start of the month celebrating Canada’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had the honour of raising the distinctive rainbow banner on the Hill for the …

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