Tag Archives: trans issues

BREAKING: Massachusetts House Approves Transgender Rights Bill, Republican Gov. Charlie Baker To Sign It

From GLAD: “This is an incredible moment. After years of brave and steadfast work by transgender people, family members, allies, businesses, faith leaders, and community organizations, we are inches from full equality for transgender people in our state. This bill will not only ensure fair and long overdue protections for transgender people, but enshrine in law a recognition of the …

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LIVE VIDEO: Massachusetts House Hears Trans Bill

The Massachusetts House is currently hearing debate on the transgender rights bill that passed in the state Senate last month. Watch live here. As noted in the post below this one, GOP Gov. Charlie Baker has promised to sign the bill should it reach his desk.

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MASSACHUSETTS: Republican Gov. Charlie Baker Says He’ll Sign Transgender Rights Bill

From the Boston Globe: After months of taking heat for ambiguity on a deeply controversial issue, Governor Charlie Baker said Tuesday he would sign a transgender public accommodations bill should it reach his desk. His declaration marked the beginning of the end of a bitter, years-long legislative battle over the rights of transgender people in Massachusetts. “We’ve certainly listened to …

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NORTH CAROLINA: Human Rights Campaign Petitions FAA To Cut Airport Funding Over Anti-LGBT Law

The Charlotte Observer reports: The Human Rights Campaign is asking the Federal Aviation Administration to consider whether House Bill 2 is causing North Carolina airports to violate grant requirements. If the FAA joined the U.S. Department of Justice’s position that HB2 violates the Civil Rights Act, the move could jeopardize millions of dollars in federal funding that helps operate and …

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Fourth Circuit Court Rejects Rehearing Of Case That Granted Bathroom Rights To Transgender Student

Big news via the ACLU: The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit will not rehear the case of a Gloucester County transgender high school student suing his school board over discriminatory bathroom policies. The court today denied the Gloucester County School Board’s request for an en banc review of an April decision which held that Title IX …

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BRAZIL: Two Million Attend Sao Paulo Pride [VIDEO]

Fox News Latino reports: The Sao Paulo Gay Pride Parade on Sunday celebrated two decades of the struggle for equal rights by Brazil’s homosexual community, this time including thousands of participants focused on urging Congress to speed up the debate on the Gender Identity Law. The 20th edition of the parade, which attracted 2 million participants and started out on …

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Target Staffer Confronts Anti-LGBT Protester [VIDEO]

Street preachers are continuing to invade Target locations around the country to scream anti-LGBT abuse at customers and employees. In the first clip below, a woman with a bullhorn is confronted by an apparent Target staffer who repeatedly shouts, “WELCOME TO TARGET!” in her face as a customer flips her off. In the second clip, another woman screams her congratulations …

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Kentucky To Join Anti-Transgender Suit Against Feds

Law Newz reports: On Friday, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin promised his state would join several others in a lawsuit fighting the Obama administration’s transgender bathroom guideline. “The federal government has no authority to dictate local school districts’ bathroom and locker room policies,” he said in a statement. “The Obama Administration’s transgender policy ‘guidelines’ are an absurd federal overreach into a …

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NORTH CAROLINA: State University System Tells Federal Court It Won’t Enforce Anti-LGBT Hate Law

From the Associated Press: The University of North Carolina system told a federal court Friday that it won’t enforce a law requiring transgender students to use restrooms corresponding to the sex on their birth certificates. The declaration came in a motion asking a federal court to halt civil legal proceedings against the university system while a higher court decides a …

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NOM Money Begs On House LGBT Battle

Just in from hate group leader Brian Brown: In the latest betrayal by Republicans who campaign as conservatives but vote with LGBT extremists, 43 GOP members of the House of Representatives have voted to cement Barack Obama’s insane transgender “discrimination” policies in law, prohibiting any entity from contracting with the federal government unless they endorse the administration’s radical gender-bending agenda. …

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MISSISSIPPI: Dem AG Says Other Things Are More Important Than Joining Anti-Trans Suit Against Feds

Via press release from Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood: “Last year, the Office of Attorney General joined a lawsuit in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals to stop the Department of Justice from interfering with the way in which local schools operate their restrooms. For that reason, I chose not to join the Texas lawsuit. I also have concerns on …

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Walmart Stays Mum On Transgender Policy

From the New York Daily News: Walmart, the country’s biggest retailer, is staying silent about its transgender bathroom policies. The Arkansas-based corporation repeatedly refused to reveal its stance about transgender bathroom use for its shoppers and employees, despite requests by the Daily News every day for the past week. Inquiries to Walmart’s media relations team were first sent last Tuesday, …

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US House Rep. Zoe Lofgren Calls Out Transphobic Witness: Lady, You Are An Ignorant Bigot [VIDEO]

This is what an ally looks like. From Talking Points Memo: During a House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) railed against a witness who testified against the Obama administration’s recent guidance for schools on how to accommodate transgender students. Lofgren read aloud part of the testimony from Gail Heriot, a member of the United States Commission on …

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American Family Association: The Gay Gestapo Is On A Mission From Satan To Destroy All Sexual Normalcy

“The Gay Gestapo is on a mission from the Dark Lord to relentlessly harass, intimidate, punish, and silence every advocate of sexual normalcy. “According to the Creator of every living human being, there are two and only two genders. Not five (as in LGBTQ) or 31, as New York City is now proposing, nor 58 as Facebook famously believes. “Everything …

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AFA Radio Shrieker Sandy Rios: Trans Rights Will Mainstream Pedophilia And Create Chaos [VIDEO]

Brian Tashman recaps Sandy Rios’ latest radio rant for Right Wing Watch: “What a hypocrite Obama and his evil cronies are at the Department of Education and Justice that they would take lunch money from children,” she said, before alleging that the number of transgender people in the population has been significantly exaggerated. Rios claimed that the push for transgender …

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BREAKING: Eleven State Coalition Led By Texas Sues Obama Administration Over Transgender Guidelines

Dominic Holden reports at Buzzfeed: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and officials in 10 other states on Wednesday filed a lawsuit in federal court resisting the Obama administration’s guidance that instructs schools to let transgender students use bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity. Among the defendants in the case, filed in federal district court in Northern Texas, are the …

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TEXAS: Indicted Attorney General Ken Paxton To Sue Obama Administration Over Transgender Guidelines

From the Dallas Morning News: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is expected to announce a legal challenge to President Barack Obama’s directive instructing school districts to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity. The attorney general has scheduled a 2 p.m. news conference Wednesday in Austin. WFAA-TV (Channel 8) reported Tuesday evening that Paxton would …

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San Francisco 49ers Call For “Discriminatory” HB2 Repeal, Donate $75K To Equality North Carolina

Charlotte’s WBTV reports: The San Francisco 49ers are calling for a repeal of House Bill 2. The team’s CEO, Jed York, made the announcement, along with a “gift” of $75,000 to the Equality North Carolina Foundation to “further their work.” York met with advocates and transgender North Carolinians to learn more about how the bill has impacted them. York is …

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Charlotte Chamber Of Commerce: North Carolina’s Hate Law Has Already Cost Mecklenburg County $285 Million

Whoa. From the Charlotte Observer: Mecklenburg County has suffered an economic blow of $285 million and a loss of as many as 1,300 jobs as a result of House Bill 2, a new Charlotte Chamber report says. The report also says inquiries about new economic development are down 58 percent since lawmakers passed the bill in March, and client visits …

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Glenn Beck On Hershey Park’s Pro-Trans Policy: The Next Step Is Normalization Of Pedophilia [VIDEO]

Kyle Mantyla at Right Wing Watch has Glenn Beck’s reaction to Hershey Park’s announcement: “If you don’t stand up now,” Beck declared, “I guarantee you the next thing that will be mainstreamed” will be pedophilia. The push for transgender equality is “not normal,” Beck insisted, unlike the fight for gay marriage, which was something he claimed that the American public …

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