Tag Archives: trans issues

Hershey Park Issues Trans-Friendly Policy

Via press release: “Every year, the employees of Hershey Entertainment & Resorts (HE&R) welcome over 6 million guests from down the street and around the world. We recognize that the more perspectives we have within our company, the more welcoming we are to all those who visit and seek employment here. In fact, our company has four core values, one …

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American Family Association: Don’t Let Target’s Arrogance Fool You, We’ve Cost Them Billions In Stock

Via press release from the American Family Association: On a media call last, week Target CEO Brian Cornell was asked if the boycott had an effect on their sales or stock price. He responded by saying “To date we have not seen a material or measurable impact on our business. Just a handful of stores across the country have seen …

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CHARLOTTE: City Council Considers Rescinding LGBT Rights Law In Deal For Amending Of State’s HB2

The Charlotte Observer reports: As the Charlotte City Council prepares for a possible vote Monday on repealing its own nondiscrimination ordinance, the Human Rights Campaign has mounted an intense lobbying effort to keep it in place and has accused the Charlotte Chamber of being an “anti-LGBT bully.” The Washington-based HRC, a gay rights group that helped the city write the …

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Customer Confronts Ranting Protester In Target Store: This Is None Of Your Fucking Business [VIDEO]

Customers usually scurry away when street preachers launch into one of their ranting tirades inside of a Target store. But not this customer, who got right in the nutjob’s face while he screamed about Jesus Christ, perverts, abominations, and his right to sue any Target employee who touches him. Watch below.

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Pop Star Demi Lovato Promotes Transgender Rights During Performance At Billboard Music Awards

Via press release from GLAAD: Multi platinum-selling recording artist Demi Lovato wore her support for the transgender community during the 24th Annual Billboard Music Awards on Sunday, once again taking a strong stand against North Carolina’s anti-LGBT law known as HB2. During her performance, the GLAAD Vanguard Award recipient wore a T-shirt featuring an inclusive bathroom symbol. A replica of …

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Janet Porter Promotes Coming Target Protests [VIDEO]

Failed politician, failed social media entrepreneur, and hate group leader Janet Porter has issued a video to promote her call for nationwide protests at Target on June 4th. Clip recap: Just four days before Target’s shareholder’s meeting, “Don’t Target Our Daughters Day” is Saturday, June 4th. THIS is the moment to stand together–outside a Target near you with signs warning …

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20 Years Ago Today: Romer V Evans

Lambda Legal’s Jon Davidson put it in context for what’s happening today: To quote late New York Yankee baseball great Yogi Berra, “it’s déjà vu all over again.” Today marks the 20th anniversary of the groundbreaking U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Romer v. Evans, Lambda Legal’s successful challenge, in partnership with the ACLU and some of Colorado’s top lawyers, to …

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Eugene Delgaudio Files FOIA Demand For Proof That Transgender People Are Discriminated Against

Hate group crackpot and recently booted Virginia politician Eugene Delgaudio is at it again: I BELIEVE President Obama is not telling the truth about the “increased expressions of request for relief and assistance from transgendered complaints” as he said on Friday. So I am asking him, President Obama to produce evidence of his representation last Friday in his statements and …

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ARKANSAS: Gov. Asa Hutchinson Holds Off Bill That Would Make “Incorrect” Restroom Use A Sex Crime

NPR reports: Gov. Asa Hutchinson says he’s worked with fellow Republicans to keep a transgender bathroom bill off the agenda of a special session he called to address highway funding. Instead, Hutchinson plans to work with lawmakers on legislation for next year’s lengthier, regular legislative session. During a press conference, Hutchinson said adding the item to the special session has …

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OKLAHOMA: GOP Declares Bathroom “Emergency”

From World Net Daily: Lawmakers in Oklahoma, alarmed by the chaos that’s been generated from President Obama’s pressure on schools to open bathrooms to both sexes – else face loss of federal funding – have introduced a bill that declares the matter an “emergency” and allows the state’s attorney general to provide legal representation for those who come under fire …

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CBS/NYT Poll: 41% Back Trans Restroom Rights

Politico recaps: Americans are divided over whether transgender people should be allowed to use the public bathrooms of the gender with which they identify or the gender they were born as, according to the results of a CBS News/New York Times poll released Thursday. Nearly half—46 percent—said transgender people should be required to use the bathroom corresponding with their birth …

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PENNSYLVANIA: 97 GOP Lawmakers Send Obama Letter Expressing “Extreme Outrage” At Trans Guidelines

Nutcase Daryl Metcalfe is at it again. Via Newsworks: Ninety-seven Republican state representatives in Pennsylvania — including several from the Philadelphia region — have signed off on a letter to President Barack Obama, calling the new federal directive to make public schools transgender-inclusive “unconstitutional” and an “extreme outrage.” Led by state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, R-Butler, lawmakers argue in their letter …

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DC Grocery Store Security Guard Charged With Assaulting Trans Woman In Restroom [VIDEO]

NBC Washington reports: D.C. police have charged a security guard at a Giant grocery store with simple assault after a transgender woman said the guard forced her out of the women’s restroom. Ebony Belcher, 32, said she went to the Giant in northeast D.C. with a friend to pick up a delivery from the Western Union. While at the Giant, …

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73 House Republicans Issue Letter “Demanding Answers” On Federal Transgender Rights Guidelines

From the right wing Heritage Foundation: The largest conservative congressional caucus is calling into question the legality of President Barack Obama’s transgender bathroom directive for schools. Chairman Bill Flores, R-Texas, is encouraging Republican Study Committee members to sign on to a letter, pushing the Departments of Education and Justice to detail how, and on what authority, they plan to enforce …

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UNITED NATIONS: Egypt-Led Muslim States Block LGBT Groups From Attending Meeting On HIV/AIDS

Reuters reports: A group of 51 Muslim states has blocked 11 gay and transgender organizations from attending a high-level meeting at the United Nations next month on ending AIDS, sparking a protest by the United States, Canada and the European Union. Egypt wrote to the president of the 193-member General Assembly on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to …

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MINNESOTA: Haters Plan Mobile Billboard Campaign Against All 72 Target Outlets In The State [VIDEO]

Via CBS Minnesota: From sidewalk picketing to online petitions, the opposition to Target’s bathroom and fitting room policy isn’t going away. Outside the state office building in St. Paul on Monday, a large truck rolled up carrying a strong anti-Target message. “Send Target a message — don’t shop where women and children’s emotional and physical safety and privacy are under …

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NORTH CAROLINA: HRC Retains Prop 8 Champion Ted Olson For Amicus Brief In Challenge Of Anti-LGBT Law

Via press release: Today, the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBT civil rights organization, announced that Theodore B. Olson of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP will author an amicus brief on behalf of leading businesses in support of the Department of Justice’s lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s hateful HB2 law. “HB2 discriminates against fellow citizens because of who they are,” …

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Target CEO Brian Cornell: The Boycott Isn’t Hurting Us

Fortune reports: Target reported a disappointing set of first-quarter results on Wednesday and warned investors to expect a slight drop in business in the current quarter. The discount retailer pointed to many factors pinching sales, damp and cool weather in parts of the company and skittish consumers, among them. But one thing not hitting sales is the purported boycott of …

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POSTED: My Seventh Column For Pride Life

Back in February, I launched a twice-monthly column for the website of Britain’s Pride Life magazine, a quarterly LGBT rights and lifestyle magazine. Today’s seventh installment is titled Obama Administration Takes Bold Action On Transgender Rights. Hit the link for my status report on trans rights, Target, hate groups, and the feds. DISCLOSURE: Pride Life is owned by the US …

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Top Vatican Cardinal Denounces “Demonic” Transgender Rights At National Catholic Prayer Breakfast [AUDIO]

From the pro-LGBT site Bondings 2.0: A top cardinal at the Vatican attacked transgender civil rights as “demonic” and compared marriage equality to “poison” during a speech before high-profile U.S. Catholics. Cardinal Robert Sarah, prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship, keynoted the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast yesterday morning in Washington, D.C. His address about family and religious freedom …

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