Tag Archives: trans issues

Itzhak Perlman Goes Springsteen On North Carolina

From the Raleigh News & Observer: Itzhak Perlman is the latest artist to cancel a North Carolina performance over the state’s controversial House Bill 2. One of the world’s greatest concert violinists, the 70-year-old Perlman was scheduled to play Raleigh’s Meymandi Concert Hall Wednesday night with the NC Symphony. But he called off the show on Tuesday, releasing the statement …

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CANADA: PM Justin Trudeau Unveils Trans Rights Bill

The CBC reports: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced in Montreal federal legislation about to be tabled*, which will guarantee legal and human rights protection to transgender people across Canada. “We have worked too hard for us to stop here,” Trudeau said. “Too hard to stop with the progress we have made because I sincerely believe that in Canada we can …

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Obama Marks International Day Against Homophobia And Transphobia: LGBT Rights Are Human Rights

President Obama today issued a statement marking the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia, which was launched in 2004 on the anniversary of the World Health Organization’s 1990 declassification of homosexuality as a mental illness. Obama’s message declares that “LGBT rights are human rights” and that the United States honors the work of activists and will continue to “support their …

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Trump Vows To Rescind Obama’s Pro-Trans Directives

The Washington Post reports: Donald Trump vowed Monday that if elected president he would rescind the Obama administration’s new directives aimed at protecting transgender people against discrimination in schools and health-care coverage. But even as Trump accused the administration of federal overreach and argued that such matters should be addressed by the states, the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee also sounded …

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Elton John Slams “Ignorant” Pat McCrory

Elton John has penned a lengthy piece for The Hill in which he denounces the “ignorance” of North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory. An excerpt: What’s worse than the discriminatory bill itself, and the millions in taxpayer dollars McCrory is wasting to defend it, is that the governor signed it after admitting he had never met a transgender person. Although McCrory …

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Moral Monday: Arrests At North Carolina Statehouse

From Raleigh’s CBS affiliate: Law enforcement started making arrests Monday evening after hundreds of HB2 protesters moved inside the Legislative building. A crowd of around 350 gathered between the Legislative Building and the Capitol building before moving inside the Legislature just before 5 p.m. The Raleigh Police were seen arresting demonstrators around 5:20 p.m. As of 5:40 p.m., 11 people …

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SCOTUS Rejects Appeal To Case That Set Precedent For Fourth Circuit Court’s Ruling On Transgender Rights

This is a major setback for supporters of North Carolina’s hate law: The Supreme Court announced Monday, over the dissent of one conservative justice, that it will not review a legal precedent key to an appeals court ruling last month requiring public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms corresponding to their gender identity. The justices declined to take …

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NORTH CAROLINA: Lambda Legal & ACLU Ask Federal Court To Stop Enforcement Of Anti-LGBT Hate Law

Via press release: The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of North Carolina, and Lambda Legal today asked a federal court to order an immediate halt to enforcement of a North Carolina law that targets transgender people for discrimination in single-sex facilities. The three organizations and the law firm of Jenner and Block are challenging the law, House Bill 2, …

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Anti-LGBT Nutjobs Disrupt More Targets [VIDEO]

Raw Story recaps the first incident: A mother who was apparently angered over Target’s vow to allow transgender customers to use bathrooms and fitting rooms that correspond to their gender identity went marching through a store while waving a Bible. A video of the woman’s loud protest was posted to YouTube. The woman was not named but appears to have …

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NOM Exploits Trans Rights With Money Beg

As he always does, hate group leader Brian Brown is exploiting the latest LGBT-related issue with a money beg. How these donations will be used to stop transgender rights, he does not say. Via email: NOM is one of the few groups willing to challenge the LGBT extremists and take on their radical agenda. We will not be cowed by …

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Family Research Council Hater Travis Weber Won’t Say Which Bathroom Trans People Should Use [VIDEO]

Last night Family Research Council hater Travis Weber appeared on MSNBC’s Hardball, where he flailed and failed to answer when host Chris Matthews repeatedly asked him which bathroom trans activist Jennifer Boylan should use. Media Matters has the transcript: CHRIS MATTHEWS (HOST): Travis, tell Jenny what bathroom she should use. TRAVIS WEBER: Well — MATTHEWS: Which one should she use? …

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Tony Perkins: Impeach Obama Over Trans Issue

KKK-affiliated hate group leader Tony Perkins today told infamous liar Todd Starnes that President Obama must be impeached in retaliation for today’s pro-trans guidelines to public schools. Via Starnes: Perkins told me Congress must intervene to stop what he called an imperial president. “If the president chooses to go forward with this outrageous order – then congress should begin impeachment …

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BURN NOTICE: White House Dismisses Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick As Mere “Right-Wing Radio Host” [VIDEO]

Via the right wing Townhall: Speaking to reporters Friday, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest addressed the new Department of Education directive. The directive requires every school district around the country allow individuals to use the restroom of their gender identity, not of their birth sex. Districts that do not comply have been threatened with federal funding cuts. When asked …

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Rep. Alan Grayson Becomes First Member Of Congress To Use “Cisgender” Term On House Floor [VIDEO]

The office of Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) just wrote to say that earlier today he become the first member of Congress to use the term “cisgender” in a House speech. Grayson stood next to a large portrait of transgender pioneer Christine Jorgensen as he delivered a 13-minute denouncement of the GOP and of North Carolina’s anti-LGBT hate law. Grayson is …

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Franklin Graham: Trans Rights Are A Moral 9/11 That Can Only Be Stopped By White Jesus [AUDIO]

Brian Tashman has the transcript at Right Wing Watch: “The country is imploding,” he said. “We are seeing a moral implosion. Just like we saw the World Trade Center on 9/11 when the planes hit the tower, they imploded, they fell from within, and this is what’s happening to our country, we’re falling within. Our foundations have been weakened by …

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Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: We Won’t Yield To Obama’s Blackmail On Transgender Rights [VIDEO]

From the Dallas-Fort Worth NBC affiliate: Top Republicans in America’s largest conservative state are ready to take on the issue of transgender rights and public restrooms, as thousands of party activists gather in Dallas for the Texas GOP convention. An Obama administration directive issued late Thursday amid a court fight between the federal government and North Carolina says public schools …

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Texas School Superintendent: Obama Ain’t My President And His Trans Letter Is Going Right In The Shredder

From the ABC affiliate in southeast Texas:  Port Neches-Groves Superintendent Dr. Rodney Cavness on Thursday slammed the Obama administration’s expected letter which is set to tell districts to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choosing. Dr. Cavness did not mince words when telling 12News anchor Kevin Steele. “I got news for President Barack Obama. He ain’t my …

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JUST IN: Justice And Education Departments Issue Trans Rights Guidelines To All Public Schools Nationwide

Via press release: The U.S. Departments of Education and Justice released joint guidance today to help provide educators the information they need to ensure that all students, including transgender students, can attend school in an environment free from discrimination based on sex. Recently, questions have arisen from school districts, colleges and universities, and others about transgender students and how to …

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TEXAS: GOP Gov. Greg Abbott Hints That He May Push For An Anti-LGBT Hate Law Like North Carolina’s

Via press release from the Democratic National Committee: Earlier today, while speaking at the Texas GOP Convention, Governor Abbott made clear that he supports North Carolina’s discriminatory law, HB2. Abbott even hinted that a similar measure could be coming to the Lone Star State, saying “I am working with the governor of North Carolina, and we are going to fight …

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BREAKING: Feds To Tell Every Public School District Nationwide To Allow Restroom Rights For Trans Students

Whoa. From the New York Times: The Obama administration is planning to issue a sweeping directive telling every public school district in the country to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity. A letter to school districts will go out Friday, adding to a highly charged debate over transgender rights in the middle of the …

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