Tag Archives: trans issues

NORTH CAROLINA: White House Won’t Strip Education Funding While DOJ’s HB2 Lawsuit Is In Progress

The Hill reports: The Obama administration will not strip federal funding from North Carolina amid a legal battle over the state’s controversial law on bathroom use, the White House said Thursday. Cabinet agencies have been conducting a review to determine whether the state’s recent legislation on LGBT rights makes it ineligible to receive education, transportation and other funding under federal …

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MASSACHUSETTS: Senate Approves Trans Rights Bill

Minutes ago the Massachusetts Senate overwhelmingly approved a transgender rights bill. The vote was 33-4. More from Reuters: The bill, which would make Massachusetts the 18th U.S. state to prohibit discrimination based on gender identity, has strong support in the Democratic-controlled legislature, although Republican Governor Charlie Baker has not said whether he would sign it. State Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz, the …

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American Family Association Head Tim Wildmon: We Met With Target Officials And They Told Us To Get Lost

In so many words, of course. Via press release: “American Family Association is appreciative that Target representatives were willing to accept the signatures of more than one million Americans and meet with us about our deep distress over Target’s unsafe bathroom policy, which permits anyone who identifies with another gender to enter the restroom or fitting room of the opposite …

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NORTH CAROLINA: GOP Leaders Threaten Retribution Against Companies That Oppose Anti-LGBT Hate Law

But it’s just a “coincidence” that these companies might lose their tax breaks. From Raleigh’s NBC affiliate: While Republican state leaders have complained about being “bullied” by the federal government over House Bill 2, lobbyists in Raleigh tell WRAL News they and the businesses they represent are being bullied by state lawmakers seeking to silence business opposition to the new …

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North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory: Loretta Lynch’s Jim Crow Comparison Is Insulting To My State [VIDEO]

Dominic Holden reports at Buzzfeed: North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory on Wednesday tried to turn the tables on the federal government’s top prosecutor, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, by saying her comparison of Jim Crow segregation to his state’s law banning transgender people from certain bathrooms was “an insult.” “It’s an insult, and it’s a political statement instead of a …

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Target CEO: We’re Not Backing Down [VIDEO]

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports: Target Corp. will stick with its policy of allowing transgender customers to choose the bathroom they wish to use, chief executive Brian Cornell said this morning. He added the company is adding more family restrooms in its stores, an option for people who worry about the mixing of sexes in bathrooms. Cornell made the remarks during …

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NORTH CAROLINA: School Board Member Says New Pepper Spray Rule Will Be Useful Against Trans Students

From the Salisbury Post: High school students will be allowed to carry mace in the 2016-2017 school year after the Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education agreed to remove prohibitive language and amend its policy. The board spent some time at its Monday work session in the Wallace Education Forum debating whether pepper spray and other defensive sprays, as well as personal …

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NORTH CAROLINA: Democrats Introduce Bill To Replace HB2 With Full LGBT Anti-Discrimination Protections

Via press release: Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization, commended North Carolina Representatives Chris Sgro, Pricey Harrison, Susan Fisher, and Kelly Alexander for introducing a comprehensive LGBT non-discrimination bill in the North Carolina General Assembly. This bill would be a companion to HB 946, sponsored by Representatives Jackson, …

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Dan Savage Talks LGBT Rights With Colbert [VIDEO]

Dan Savage appeared on The Late Show last night to talk about transgender rights, North Carolina, and Caitlyn Jenner with host Stephen Colbert, who spun the segment into an amusing tangent when he questioned Savage about the ever-increasing LGBTQIA-etc nomenclature. Savage also expounded on the “complicated” situation with Donald Trump and LGBT rights. Watch below and take note of Savage’s …

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Dr. Stabby: Loretta Lynch Is Full Of Crap

Politico reports: Attorney General Loretta Lynch likening the controversial North Carolina bathroom law to Jim Crow laws is “a bunch of crap,” Ben Carson said Monday. Announcing a counter-suit against the state, Lynch said North Carolina “created state-sponsored discrimination against transgender individuals” that violates federal law. “This is not the first time that we have seen discriminatory responses to historic …

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McCrory Campaign Money Begs On Hate Lawsuit

JMG reader Tom points out that North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory’s team has wasted no time in pumping out a money beg for a “strategic defense fund.”  The above tweet links to McCrory’s reelection donation page, which now bears this message: “Fight back against the federal government’s overreach and bullying tactics.” We’re guessing that by “strategic defense fund” McCrory actually …

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Justice Department Announces Lawsuit Against North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory Over Hate Law

The Human Rights Campaign recaps what just happened: Today, HRC and Equality NC responded to an announcement by Attorney General Loretta Lynch that the U.S. Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, the state’s Department of Public Safety, and the University of North Carolina and Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina. …

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North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper Slams Gov. Pat McCrory’s Lawsuit: Enough Is Enough [VIDEO]

Posted this afternoon to the YouTube channel of North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper: Since Governor McCrory signed House Bill 2 into law just weeks ago, there has been a real and devastating impact on North Carolina’s economy and reputation. Already we have lost thousands of jobs and tens of millions of dollars in economic activity. And now the governor …

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LIVE VIDEO: AG Loretta Lynch Announces “Law Enforcement Action” Against North Carolina’s Hate Law

US Attorney General Loretta Lynch is due to announce “law enforcement action” against North Carolina’s anti-LGBT law at 3:30PM. Embedded below is the Department Of Justice’s live stream. Grab your popcorn and watch with us. UPDATE: WOW, what a great speech. I’ve posted her remarks below.

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LIVE VIDEO: North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory Speaks On Anti-Trans Lawsuit Filed Against Federal Government

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory is speaking to the press about the anti-trans lawsuit he filed this morning against the federal government. UPDATE: The live stream has concluded. Below is a recording of the press conference.

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BOOM: Attorney General Loretta Lynch To Unveil “Law Enforcement Action” Against North Carolina At 3:30PM

Quick reaction from the feds! Via Talking Points Memo: U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is slated to announce law enforcement action related to North Carolina Monday at 3:30 p.m. E.T., according to a Justice Department statement. The press conference comes after North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory announced a lawsuit against the federal government in response to a Justice Department letter …

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North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory’s Lawsuit: Transgender Americans Have No Rights Under Under Federal Law

CNN reports: North Carolina’s lawsuit, filed by McCrory and state Department of Public Safety Secretary Frank Perry, calls the Justice Department’s position a “radical reinterpretation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.” Title VII, among other things, outlaws discrimination in federally assisted programs and authorizes Lynch to file lawsuits to protect constitutional rights in public facilities. North Carolina attacks …

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BREAKING: North Carolina Sues Feds To Keep Hate Law

The Associated Press reports: North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory is going to court in a fight for a state law that limits protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. McCrory is leading a lawsuit filed Monday seeking to keep in place the law the U.S. Justice Department said last week violated the civil rights of transgender people. The Justice …

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FEDERAL D-DAY: Co-Sponsor Of North Carolina’s Hate Bill Says Law Is Reasonable, Opposes Repeal [VIDEO]

Today is the federal deadline for North Carolina to repeal or rescind the anti-trans portion of its anti-LGBT hate law. This morning state Rep. Don Bishop, one of the law’s co-sponsors, appeared on CNN where he told host Chris Cuomo that HB2 is a “very common sense and reasonable law.” Bishop did allow for the possibility of “tweaking” the law, …

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CNN POLL: Whopping 75% Support Transgender Rights, Majority Oppose North Carolina’s Hate Law

Let’s see Tony Perkins spin THIS: Americans broadly oppose laws that would require transgender people to use facilities that correspond with their gender at birth rather than their gender identity, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll, and three-quarters favor laws guaranteeing equal protection for transgender individuals. Overall, 57% say they oppose laws requiring transgender individuals to use facilities that do …

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